Heres a technique I created that I call "Track it back, Back it up"
This tool utilizes neuroscience and reconnects the neuro web/map

This is used for uncovering anything in your mind. Tracing where feelings and emotions are stored in our brain.
It reconnects the neurotransmitters, the synapses of the neurons and muerons.
So to move past the science let's get into understanding how to use the technique to increase awareness, make your mind fire and react quicker which ultimately makes you smarter be reconnecting broken of pieces of your neuroweb.
Our mind is a map. A map that at every moment is mapping and remapping itself learning, understanding and providing insight into our own individual intelligence and logic.
An example would be. Your born You feel a feeling or emotional state or experience state of mind (Let's say you feel happy) Your mind instantly creates a start and maps from there drawing it out. You then see the color blue and it makes you happy You then get a kiss from your new mother and father and well the are both wearing blue
So what has happened here is you felt happy then that connects to blue, connects to kisses, connects to mother and father and connects to love and warmth in a web of interconnectedness.

Now as we experience life and feelings and every single thing we add more to this web and the web grows.
So the web stays connected but at a point with life experiences happening our web breaks and hangs there and as more are added and map and interconnect.
So over time as we stop accessing or recalling or remembering every aspect of the map which happened naturally. The minds cords break off. And the flow of all the connection stops connecting and flowing properly.
So in this example we forget that kiss your new mother and father gave you. So the web breaks.
The cords of the web hang there.

So heres what we do. A few examples
Example 1:
I ask you / you ask yourself
1) What's the emotion state feeling your most generally in?
1) Answer :
2) Now recall the first time you can remember feeling this. Who were you with? How old were you? Where were you? Tell me anything about this? (Think vividly to fire and trigger)
2) Answer :
4) Are you sure that was the very first time?
5) Think about it
6) Now recall the very first time you can remember feeling this. Who were you with? How old were you? Where were you? Tell me anything about this? (Think vividly to fire and trigger)
6) Answer :
Example 2:
I ask you / you ask yourself
1) What's your favorite food or snack?
1) Answer :
2) Now recall the first time you can remember having/eating this? Who were you with? How old were you? Where were you? Tell me anything about this? (Think vividly to fire and trigger)
2) Answer :
4) Are you sure that was the very first time you recall eating this?
5) Think about it
6) Now recall the very first time you can remember having/eating this. Who were you with? How old were you? Where were you? Tell me anything about this? (Think vividly to fire and trigger)
6) Answer :
So you do this for everything you like and eat and you analyze every emotion feeling and thought you have when they come up this is a way to learn yourself and read map your neuro web to make yourself smarter more intelligent quicker thought faster responses deeper connection to source to your inner self
I ask you / you ask yourself
1) What's your favorite food or snack? Or pick any food or candy or snack or emotion
1) Answer : Examples Pizza Or Abandonment
2) Now recall the first time you can remember having/eating this? Who were you with? How old were you? Where were you? Tell me anything about this? (Think vividly to fire and trigger)
2) Answer : Examples Pizza pepperoni With dad 10 years old In Florida Pete's pizza shop
Or Abandonment A break up 18 years old With a girlfriend Summer of 2002 Was over the phone
4) Are you sure that was the very first time you recall eating this?
Yes I'm sure that was the first time I had pizza
Yes I'm sure that was the first time I felt abandoned
5) Think about it are you sure that was the first time?
Answer : wait there was a time I recall before this
6) Now recall the very first time you can remember having/eating this. Who were you with? How old were you? Where were you? Tell me anything about this? (Think vividly to fire and trigger)
6) Answer : Examples Pizza pepperoni Extra cheese Hot sausage With dad 5 years old In Florida Grandmas pizza at her house Best food of my life
Or Abandonment Parents split up diviorce 9 years old Summer of 1998 Lived in Texas Small house A Pool.
All these are examples and not my personal experiences. To give you an understanding.
The purpose here Is to track it back and then push it once farther
This reconnects the neuro web and makes thought, emotions, feelings and personality traits more clear and easier to access.
Then from here we can do this with every food we like or ate? why do I get mad when? where does fear come from? why does that bother me? or why am I the way I am? Why do I think this way
Where the emotion or event was created or started is the root.
Recall or focus Track it back back it up back it up See the root or core
Brain now works faster and smarter