Life Path Number 1
The number one is a spiritual and primal force. It is the root that all numbers stem from. This is perhaps why Ones tend to be doers. If you are a One then you are aggressive and energetic. You look to produce results and you will not be limited by anyone or anything. Your innate urge to be a protector and your dedication and passion to achieving your goals make you a natural born leader and show why this number is related to a fatherly role. Even the shape of the number 1 is a strong reflection of its meaning. The 1 is a spearhead, always at the lead and often forceful. It stands upright, unwavering in its pride and purpose. You are courageous and willing to try anything new if you see promise, even at great danger.
However, Ones are also very individualistic, which can lead to loneliness. Your primal urge to be a leader often makes you resent those with more power and your inflated view of self makes you less likely to heed advice. Ones also generally have issues with trust. You believe if you want something done right, then you must do it yourself.
Ones feel entitled to respect and can become demanding and domineering when it’s not given. When this happens, Ones turn into warriors and will attempt to force their values and opinions and will not listen to anyone else. You are a pragmatist and can often have a hard time relating to other’s emotions. You see through charm easily and you will not stand for hypocrisy. However, if Ones can harness their natural instinct to protect into compassion and understanding, they will earn unlimited loyalty from followers.
Life Path Number 2/11
The number two is thought to be a feminine number, with its power and strength consistently underestimated. Twos tend to be artists of sorts, always gentle, understanding, and diplomatic. If you are a two, you are a natural born peacekeeper, whose innate urge is to diffuse situations rather than fight. However, as we said, Twos are often underestimated.
Twos are the ultimate survivors. You are extremely resilient and often the backbone of a family. The shape of the 2 is thought to resemble a person with their head bowed and on bended knees, a natural sign of servitude. However, this position also represents strength. While Ones represent power and pride, unwilling to bend at any price, they will break and shatter when enough pressure is applied. In contrast, Twos are able to bend in order to carry crushing weights. This flexibility allows Twos to bounce back easily when the weight is removed. Twos are often the real power behind the throne, controlling the outcome of events through gentle force or persuasion without notice.
You are incredibly devoted, and you expect that same devotion in return. Beware when Twos are betrayed or mistreated. While your tactful manipulation is able to avert most disasters, you are still possessive and easily made jealous. If Twos feel under attack or crossed, they will unleash a side that is vengeful, cruel and unrelenting. You will do whatever necessary to destroy your opponent and you will not feel regret or remorse when the battle is over.
Life Path Number 3
Threes are natural born salesmen, with a natural gift for gab and overflow of charisma. If you’re a three, you’re the star of the party and liven up any room without even trying. You have a natural gift for creativity and you are well aware of your talent. However, Threes are also a bit like spoiled teenagers. They are disorganized, in need of constant guidance, and blissfully unaware or ungrateful for the efforts others go through to protect them.
Your powerful need to express yourself coupled with your extroverted personality will most likely lead you to a career in the arts or sales (a verbal art, if you will). Your charm, wit and sense of humor will get you everywhere and it often helps others to forgive or overlook your less desirable traits. You are a natural optimist and people are drawn to your positive energy.
However, for Threes, your greatest asset is also your greatest weakness. Because your charisma and natural talent come easily, you find it difficult to understand and relate to the struggles others. While you are always well liked and have a large group of friends, you may find it hard to form deeper relationships, especially with a romantic partner. Your need for expression and your natural creativity cause you to often lack focus and procrastinate. You find yourself involved in multiple projects at a time, abandoning the old for the new with no regard for others involved. By placing their attention on the sunny exterior and failing to form spiritual depth, Threes easily succumb to difficulties or challenges.
To become well rounded and happy, Threes must learn discipline and put constant effort into maintaining deeper relationships.
Life Path Number 4
Fours are orderly and methodical and base their lives in logic. If you’re a Four, you are the epitome of stability. You use hard work and reason to establish a solid foundation and believe any problem can be overcome with a proper plan. Often thought to be a more masculine number, the 4’s shape says it all - hard linear edges with no room for flow or flexibility.
Fours are trustworthy and patient people. While always dependable, their constant obedience and commitment to discipline can also make them seem boring. However, Fours often possess an entertainingly witty and dry sense of humor. You find happiness in your proven accomplishments, favoring results over any sort of reward or recognition. You are humble and can be overlooked easily, even when you are the foundation to others successes. But you don’t mind. Fours dislike public attention and are quite happy to keep doing what they’re doing. However, your rigidity and stubbornness also make you a fierce soldier when defending your territory.
Due to an under-developed sense of imagination, Fours often have narrow-minded or conventional views. You have an aversion to the unexpected and see no reason to stray from something that already works. Because of your dislike for change, you hold rules as sacred. You feel safe and secure when things are predictable, and even small changes have the ability to throw your life into chaos. While Fours may not end up being the CEO of a company, their hard work, loyalty and dependability will certainly carry them far in their career.