11 11 Meaning: Do You Keep Seeing This Unusual and Powerful Number?
by Aletheia Luna

"Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth. " – St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 – 430)
You have just glanced the number again on the clock: 11:11 am. A chill runs through your spine. Deep down you intuitively sense that this number has some kind of great importance … but you don’t know what.
If you have been seeing 11 11 and other repetitive numbers such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 1010, 1212, 777, and so forth, pay attention! There is an important reason why you’re seeing these numbers more often: these numbers are wake up calls from your Soul and the Universe.
The Secret Meaning of Numbers
Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason. – Pythagoras
It was the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras who first popularized the idea that all numbers have different vibrational properties. Since then, modern science and mathematics have proven that the world conforms to precise geometric mathematical principles. These principles govern everything from gravity to the movements of animals and the habits of humanity.
It was from Pythagoras’ discoveries about the world that the ancient system of Numerology was developed. Some scholars even believe that Numerology pre-dates Pythagoras and derives from the ancient mystical Hebrew Kabbalah which is thousands of years old.
Numerology is a system of divination which assigns various numbers unique meanings based on mathematical principles. According to numerology, everything can be calculated such as birth dates, names, and places to uncover deeper hidden truths.
11 11 Meaning
According to numerology, the number 11 is a “master number” which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment. When paired together, 11 11 is a clear message from the universe to become conscious and aware. Many people suggest that seeing 11 11 signifies that your spirit guides are attempting to contact you. In my experience, 11 11 seems to be the number of spiritual awakening, signifying that you are on the right path and your actions are aligned with your Soul’s purpose. In other words, seeing 11 11 is a good sign! An energetic doorway is being opened in which you will experience spiritual growth.
11 11 meaning in summary: You are on the right path and you’re being assisted by your Soul, spirit guides, and the Universe to consciously grow and expand. Pay attention, be aware, and remember to stay grounded in the present moment. You are going through a spiritual awakening process and you’re being asked to tune into the love and synchronistic guidance that is always available to you. Many profound changes will begin to occur in your life. Remember to stay open!
What Do I Do After Seeing 11 11?
As you consciously expand, you will find yourself seeing numbers such as 11 11 more and more. These instances are known as synchronicity, because you are in the divine flow of life. Personally, I would see 11 11 and other repetitive numbers sometimes four or five times a day as I began to experience a spiritual awakening. All of these numbers seemed to anchor me into the present moment and the truth I was experiencing. I would always feel more grounded and lovingly guided during these periods, knowing that there was “something happening” beyond the veil of physical reality.
In order to make the most of this energetic “doorway,” you might like to adopt a few practices:
1. 11 11 meaning and your life
Ask yourself, “What does 11 11 signify to me?” In other words, when you see this number, how do you feel or what thoughts arise in your head? Your 11 11 meaning will often vary each time you see it. For example, one moment it might mean “pay attention!” and on another day it might mean “you are on the right path, keep going.”
2. Stay open and receptive
Be alert to new opportunities for growth. 11 11 often signifies that a period of change is about to start within you. Remember that all people, feelings, and situations that you come across are chances to spiritually evolve.
3. Remain grounded and present
Our tendency to live through the mind creates immense stress and anxiety. During this awakening period, try to stay grounded in the present moment. You might like to practice mindfulness, deep breathing or meditation to help you stay centered. The more present you can be, the more you will be available for growth.
4. Show gratitude
Life responds positively to gratitude. Even the simplest act of giving thanks for what you have and the guidance you’re receiving, uplifts your spirit immediately. Gratitude opens the heart, and when your heart is open, it is ready to expand. Some cultures like the Peruvian Q’ero people, even create gratitude offerings to the earth known as despachos. Why not create one yourself?
5. Ask for guidance when needed
All of us, no matter who we are or what period of life we’re in, need help. If you need advice or help, reach out to someone you trust. Speak with a close friend, family member, spiritual guide or best of all, your own Soul. One of the simplest but most effective ways to receive guidance, in my experience, is saying a prayer. Address your prayer to whomever or whatever you believe in, whether that be God, Goddess, Allah, Krishna, Life or Spirit. I prefer to address my prayers to my Soul.
The number 1 itself signifies creation, leadership, and manifestation, so 11 11 is a dynamic number full of great potential
If the number 1111 could make a sound, it might be a pop, beep or a loud alarm. In numerology, the number 1111 meaning is often considered to be something of a wake-up call. If you keep seeing 1111, the universe is sending you a very clear message: Pay attention.
All of the energies in the universe vibrate at different frequencies. These energies can signal their presence in your life through numbers. These can be any numbers, but the most powerful energies typically appear in three or four digit sequences.
When the universe is trying to communicate with you, you’ll see a specific number in a variety of places, usually for at least a few days. At first, it might seem like a coincidence. After a while, however, the number will be impossible to ignore.
The number might appear in the license plates on the cars which surround you on your morning commute. It might show up on the total of your lunch order, or the change you get back from a cashier. Basically, once you start to see a number, continued to keep that number in your awareness. You’ll find that number appearing just about everywhere. When you discover the meaning of the number, you’ll know what the universe is trying to tell you.
The number 1111 is often referred to as a wake-up call or a code for activation. This is often the first number sequence most people ever see. In fact, 1111 is often the number which leads people into the study of numerology.
With 1111, the universe is sending a signal that an energy gateway has opened up for you. The universe has acknowledged you, and wants you to be aware that help is one the way. The universe only reaches out when you need help, so you’ll likely instinctively know what problem the universe is attempting to help you with.
By itself, the number one signifies independence, self-sufficiency and self-determination. When the number appears four times in a row, that power is magnified four-fold.
I SEE 1111?
Keep your eyes out for more numbers. The number 1111 is a sign that the universe wants to send you a message. Once you acknowledge and understand that, the universe will then send you a more specific message. This will be another number sequence.
What number sequence you see next will really depend on the specifics of your life and what the universe needs to tell you.
When you first start to see 1111, try to keep your thoughts positive. As the energy gateway opens, your thoughts can become manifest, so you want to help create a reality based on your wishes, not your fears.
Don’t be surprised if you start seeing 1111. The universe will try to communicate with everybody at some point in their lives. Quite often, this communication will take the form of numerology. So if (when) you see the number 1111, remain open to whatever the universe is trying to tell you. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you simply listen.
Source: http://numerologysecrets.net/numerology-1111-meaning/

Are you seeing 11:11 everywhere? Do you know what this number means?
Some believe that the actual meaning of 11:11 is a sign that angelic beings are close by. They come with love and protection, and they want to bring you clarity and guidance.
11:11 is the number of masters. The ascended masters are sending you the message that you, yourself, are a divine aspect of the Universe, a master at being yourself.
It’s no coincidence that every year, from November 11th and up until January 11th, we’re going through a period called the months of divine trinity. All in all, this is a divine time that brings tremendous opportunities for all of us, to wake up and embrace our true divine light.
But, there is more than just one reason why you are seeing 11:11. Here is a list of what seeing 11:11 means.
1st Meaning of 1111: Pay Attention to Your Thoughts
One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the Universe has sampled your thought sequence and that will manifest almost instantly in your physical reality.
In this sense, 11:11 or 1:11 is a message from divine angel beings that you need to monitor your thoughts with greater attention, and make sure that they are focusing on the things that you want, and not the things that you don’t want.
According to Dolores Cannon's "Between Death and Light," thoughts are energy. Your soul manipulates energy. Thinking is manipulation of energy. As such, a thought is a willful act and it is powerful enough for creation.
The 11:11 numeric sequence is a divine sign that an opportunity portal is opening up for you, allowing your thoughts to manifest with the speed of light.
Are you happy with the thoughts that you’re sending to the Universe?
If yes, be assured they will soon manifest in your life. If not, correct them and ask your angels and spirit guides to help you change negative thoughts with more positive ones.
2nd Meaning of 1111: You Can Start Manifesting Your True Self
What do you want to manifest in your life experience? This is the first question you need to ask yourself when you’re seeing 11:11.
Another meaning of 11:11 is that you are sent a divine message to remember that you are the creator of your reality and you need to take responsibility for it. Your current situation is the result of your past thoughts and actions.
So what do you want to manifest into your reality?
Whatever that is, it will be the direct manifestation of your thought patterns. And your thoughts will manifest faster than ever.
Keep in mind that the Universe doesn’t judge your decisions, it just makes them happen. It’s your decision to choose what you want to manifest in this life experience.
The message behind 11:11 is that you are to take responsibility and create consciously. You are the creator – the writer, producer, director, and actor in your own story.
3rd Meaning of 1111: You “Re-Member” Yourself
11:11 is a coded molecular structure of “Re-Membering” and reactivating the inner master that resides within you, your true self. Re-member is a term that emphasizes the idea of putting the pieces of yourself, your “members” together into their rightful order. In a way, remembering who you really are.
The meaning behind 11:11 is related to your biological ascension because it is the gateway towards ascension. Whenever you see 11:11, the cellular memory is reactivated within you, and you have this sense that you remember something you’ve long forgotten.
You’re remembering your true divine nature. You are an individual piece of the Universal Creator, and we are collectively the Universe.
4th Meaning of 1111: You Are on the Path of Awakening
Whenever you’re seeing 11:11 or 1:11 number patterns, you’re called to awaken.
A direct channel opens between you and your higher self. 11:11 is a point of merging the physical and non-physical realities of YOU. When this happens, it’s time to stop any mundane activity you’re doing and look at the bigger picture of life.
What you perceive might be imperfect, but the Universal Creator sees perfection on the divine level. Imperfections are simply imperfections to you, but not to the Universal Source.
It’s time to see the illusion of life and the true divine reality of all that is.
You’re on your path to awakening!
5th Meaning of 1111: Set an Intention (Make a Wish!)
Whenever you’re seeing 11:11, know that it is a wake-up call of divine intervention.
It’s time to make a wish and know your intention can manifest for your highest good, and for all mankind. It's the intention of the thought itself that counts.
As humans, we ascend and descend continuously, with every thought and every word. In a sense, ascension is born within each breath, in each and every moment of our lives. Each of us is growing toward the light at our own pace. Essentially, we are all moving in the same direction to be one with the Universal Creator.
The meaning of 11:11 is that you are being called for ACTION. What were you thinking at the moment when you saw 11:11? Follow the signs. You are awakening to your true self as you are being divinely guided to your purpose.
11:11 is a wake-up call. Follow your passion and you will find your purpose.
Source: https://willowsoul.com/blogs/numbers/5-reasons-why-you-are-seeing-11-11-the-meaning-of-1111

What does the angel number 1111 mean?
Seeing the angel number 1111 appear in your daily life means you have a message from your Guardian Angel. He is trying to come into contact with you in order to deliver advice meant to guide you. Something extraordinary lies on the horizon and the time has come for you to discover what it is so you can change your life.
What is your angel number? Your Guardian Angel tells you everything

Your Guardian Angel is in the best position to guide you toward the path of success. Discover the name of your Guardian Angel and your Angel Number. A message lies behind this number. And this message will turn your life around.
Definition for Angel Number 1111
Angel Number 1111 means that you are on the road to success. Angel Number 1111 represents the Universe’s response to your prayers. The Angel Number 1111 can be associated with turning your ideas and wishes into reality. When this happens, it is essential that your mind should remain completely focused on the goals you have set for yourself.
The Angel Number 1111
Numbers are means (among others) used by Angels to communicate with us. Thanks to numbers – which have specific vibrations – your Guardian Angel sends you messages in order to guide you in life.
These signs most often appear in our lives when we least expect them. It may come in the guise of a number you notice when you suddenly take a look at your computer clock, watch an ad on TV, etc.
The angel number 1 is synonymous with a new start. It is the beginning of a project, something extremely positive that grows until it turns your life around.
What does the angel number 1111 mean?
In many societies, the number 1 is the symbol of uniqueness, of something that is both singular and special. In Numerology, for instance, the number 1 symbolizes the beginning or “creation”. In esotericism, the number 1 is linked to God the Creator.
The number 1 has very special vibrations and attributes. Among other things, it refers to new beginnings, to success, to leadership, to the pioneering spirit, to performance, to motivation, to self-affirmation, to accomplishment, to creativity, and to glory.
If you often see the number 1 in your life, it is a sign that your Guardian Angel is trying to communicate with you. So what is his message? Your Guardian Angel’s message is to guard against your negative thoughts because they might hinder the realization of many positive events in your life.
The Angel Number 11 is a Master Number. It calls for introspection. If this series appears in your everyday life, it means that your Guardian Angel is inviting you to take the time to review your goals in life, but also your soul’s mission.
You must also place greater trust in your instincts, which are your best tool to promote your spiritual ascent. In the end, the objective is that you should reach a certain level of spiritual evolution. This, indeed, is how your foresight will prevent you from falling into pitfalls when you embark on your projects. The angel number 11 may start appearing more frequently in your life. If it does, it is because your Guardian Angel wants to warn you against the negative thoughts that could invade your life.
The Angel Number 111 means you must be cautious. Indeed, when these numbers appear to you, it means you are being invited to take a step back from whatever ideas are running through your mind. You might be on the right track to realize a project, but your Guardian Angel is warning you to control your thoughts. You need to think about what you want, not what you do not want.
The Angel Number 1111 means you are on the road to success. This is obviously the angel sequence that will change the course of your life. It comes to you, in fact, to guide you to other series of numbers. As soon as you notice the angel number 1111, you may expect other revelations to come to you through more numbers.
It is particularly interesting to the extent that you will see your ideas and wishes becoming reality. When this happens, it is essential that your mind should remain completely focused on the goals you have set for yourself.
The angel number 1111 also means that the Universe has received your thoughts and that these will soon become reality in your life. That is why it is important that you should think only positive things, i.e. things you really want to do and see happen in your life. It may be financial success, professional success, well-being, a happy home life…
The Universe makes no distinction between negative and positive thoughts. It merely receives your thoughts and manifests them in material form in your life. The angel number 1111 means you have the opportunity of harnessing the Universe’s energy to make your projects and ideas come true.
There are, of course, other Angel Numbers that reveal other important messages. Such is the case, for example, of the angel numbers 000 and 333.
The angel number 000 shows that a given situation has come to an end. Your Guardian Angel highlights that you are powerful enough to make one with the Universe.
The angel number 333 and the angel number 3333 mean that you are backed by the Angels and Ascended Masters in what you endeavor to do. Call on them to experience success.
Your Guardian Angel is always looking out for you. He uses numbers, or sequences of numbers, to send you divine revelations.
Of course, the Angels’ numbers never appear randomly: some are there to provide you with instructions which, while more or less generic, are nevertheless essential for your success and your quest for spiritual evolution. Other types of messages appear on a recurring basis, depending on your personality or the situation you are in.
Source : https://www.guardian-angel-reading.com/angel-number-1111/