Comparison is defined as the act of comparing two or more people or things; to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences. May these quotes inspire you to not compare your life with others so that you may live a life that is unique to you.
1. “Comparison is an act of violence against the self.” Iyanla Vanzant
2. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt
3. “I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.” William Blake
4. “Why compare yourself to others? No one is the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.” Anonymous
5. “Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.” Anonymous
6. “Don’t compare yourself with anyone else in this world. If you do, you are insulting yourself.” Anonymous
7. “Comparison is the death of peace and well-being.” Anonymous
8. “Stay in your lane. Comparison kills creativity and joy.” Brene Brown
9.. “Don’t compare your weaknesses to someone else’s strengths.” Anonymous
10. “Comparison with myself brings improvement, comparison with others brings discontent.” Betty Jamie Chung
11. “We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” Bob Goff
12. “Winners compare their achievements with their goals.” Nido Qubein
13. “If you continuously compete with others you become bitter but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better.” Anonymous
14. “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Steve Furtick
15. “Your story is unique and so so different and not worthy of comparison.” Anonymous
16. “Comparison is the best way to judge our progress but not with others, compare your yesterday with your today.” Anonymous
17. “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.” Lao Tzu
18. “Comparison is a slippery slope to jealousy.” Danielle LaPorte
19. “Personality begins where comparison ends.” Karl Lagerfeld
20. “Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.” Anonymous
21. “There is no need for comparison. Be happy with yourself and find satisfaction in your work.” Lailah Gifty Akita
22. “Dear you, don’t compare yourself to anyone. Your Unique Self is empowered, powerful, and unstoppable! Your uniqueness is what makes you incomparable! Don’t underestimate the beauty of just being you.” Stephanie Lahart
23. “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” Tim Hiller
34. “Comparison kills creativity. Stop comparing and start creating.” Anonymous
25. “Never compare your journey with someone else’s. Your journey is your journey, not a competition.” Anonymous
26. Never compare or say you've been through more or worse to anyone. Your pain there pain is pain. Its equal. We are one. To compare is to judge and to judge others it to judge and compare yourself. Ryan Jordan