Dealing with anxiety?
Here is how to understand & get rid of anxiety & change your life!

Ask yourself when was the first time I can recall having this emotion, state of being or feeling? How old were you? Who were you with? Where were you? Tell me anything about this. Picture vividly the whole situation. The color of the room, the smell in the air, the time of year. Also what about the other people there that were involved when this was created. What was going on for them that caused this in you. Because this is the key to unlocking the mystery and ridding yourself of anxiety.
Look at how and when this emotion or feeling was created and these aspects.
Would you not agree that where this emotion, state, feeling was created is the same reason you're feeling this today completely related to this current feeling of anxiety?
Ask yourself one more time. Was there a time before this. Track it back bow that we have recalled your consolidated memory and are about to change it before we re-consolidate it.
Now that we have recalled the core, the first creation of this state and the memory we now can change that memory and better understand this.
So before you put the memory back in place let's finish healing this and understanding it related to the core right up to today.
Where theses core memories or feelings have begun is where all the answers lay for each aspect, your personality, and who you have become. To shed who you have become you must find the core then change the memory with your awareness of what actually is.
Here is a link directly to this technique I created called Track it back.
I hope this supports you all dealing with this real fucker of an emotion. If you need more guidance or support just reach and ask me.
We can all overcome anything and are limitless but many emotions have us locked in the perpetual state of shit, pure shit. So let's clear out the shit and make room for your new life!