We’re all gifted in some way. While some gifts are easily recognized and developed, some are subtle and can even make you feel weird.
Spiritual gifts aren’t common and may even make you feel special. But, be wary though. Spiritual gifts aren’t always comfortable either, and if you do not learn to manage them they can even become a burden for someone who posses them.
Check out for these signs because if most of these things affect you, it may mean you are genuinely spiritually gifted.

7 Things Spiritually Gifted People Are Affected By:
1. The lunar cycles affect them.
The moon is at its strongest during the New Moon and the Full Moon. During these moon phases, spiritually gifted people have difficulty sleeping or may even be restless.
2. The time between 3:00 and 4:00 AM gives them sleeping troubles.
Known as the ‘Witching Hour’, this specific time of the day is believed to be where the magical powers are at their strongest, which means it could boost magical activity or make weird things happen.
Thus, if you find yourself waking up or having difficulty sleeping between these hours it could be a hint that you have a spiritual gift. Should this happen to you, instead of freaking out, do something that can enhance or tame your powers such as prayer or meditation.
3. Animals are drawn to them.
Animals have senses that are stronger than humans. They’re able to smell emotions like anger or kindness.
Because of this, they’re able to sense our aura, which makes them gravitate towards someone who is spiritually gifted. They’re attracted to the spiritual energy of these people and they feel protected and safe in their company.
4. Their emotions often affect their physical surroundings.
When you have a spiritual gift, you are constantly facing the challenge of controlling your emotions because when your emotions are intense, you may cause things to break or electronics to stop working.
Even animals act weird when they sense the strong emotions of people who are spiritually gifted, like cats staring or dogs barking for no reason at all. The plants may get sick or flourish in their company depending on their energy and emotions.
5. Strangers and ‘wacky’ people regularly show up and approach them.
Most often, spiritually gifted people attract strangers who need help or healing, whether that be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. On the other hand, people considered as ‘crazy’ by the society may regularly come their way too.
These people aren’t downright insane, in fact, they’re enlightened but unable to make sense of it yet. What they need is guidance from somebody more illuminated so their subconsciousness leads them to people who are spiritually gifted and can juggle with things they cannot even understand.
6. They sense when the weather is about to change even if it’s not forecasted.
They have this natural ability to sense when a storm is coming. Even if it looks like a perfectly sunny day, they know it’s still going to rain.
This may be so because their gifts are connected to Nature and their strong connection to the spirit of Nature enables them to sense the changing of weather or seasons.
7. They strongly sense negative energy in a room.
When they enter a room they are like walking radars for energy. Even the slightest quanta of negativity in a room is detected by their overly sensitive radar.
They know immediately if something bad happened in a room before they got there, or what people think and feel when they look at them. Their gift of sensing negativty is not there just to torture them sensing what others are almost blind to.Their gift is there to help them see where to use their skills and energy, what needs healing, and what they should avoid when they are energetically tired. Their overly sensitive nature enables them to sense positive energy much better than others.