From June 7th until June 20th the Sun and the Earth will all be in perfect alignment with Orion. This alignment occurs when Orion is conjunct with the Sun. From December 7 until December 20th, Orion is opposite the Sun. Both of these astrological alignments can be used to connect with Orion.

The Orion Alignment occurs twice a year when the Sun and the Earth line up with the Orion constellation. The conjunct alignment occurs when Orion appears to be located behind the Sun from Earth’s relative position. This alignment occurs in June and is the Sun Conjunct Orion Alignment.

The second alignment occurs from December 7th until December 20th. This is the Sun Opposite Orion Alignment and this occurs when Orion appears to be on the opposite side of the Sun, relative to the Earth’s position.

Sun Conjunct Orion Alignment – June 7 – June 20
During the Orion alignment, Orion energies are felt very strongly on Earth as the energies are compounded with the energies of the Sun. During this time, Orion energies permeate almost everything on Earth. It’s a good time to initiate new endevours and do the physical work required to manifest your goals.
Orion energies tend to be invigorating and motivating and often provide the inspiration and determination to intiate projects and see them through to the end. This alignment is also analagous to the New Moon, and thus planting the seeds of intention at this point will be extremely helpful. These Orion energies will be especially helpful when trying to achieve goals that are rooted in the 3D physical realm – like material wealth, survival and reproduction.
Orion starseeds may enjoy spiritual downloads, upgrades and other forms of communication with Orion. During the direct or conjunct Orion alignment that occurs in June, starseeds that wish to receive these Orion energies are recommended to meditate outside with the Sun beating down on their Crown or Third Eye Chakras. Starseeds may also charge water, crystals and other items in the sunlight to charge these objects with Orion energy.
Alignments with Stars within Orion
Rigel – the conjunct alignment occurs on June 7 and the opposite alignment occurs on December 7
Bellatrix – the conjunct alignment occurs on June 11 and the 📷opposite alignment occurs on December 11
Mintaka (Orion’s belt) – the conjunct alignment occurs on June 13 and the opposite alignment occurs on December 13
Alnilam (Orion’s belt) – the conjunct alignment occurs on June 14 and the opposite alignment occurs on December 14
Alnitak (Orion’s belt) – the conjunct alignment occurs on June 15 and the opposite alignment occurs on December 15
Betelgeuse – the conjunct alignment occurs on June 20 and the opposite alignment occurs on December 20
Sun Opposite Orion Alignment
This Orion alignment occurs in December and results in Orion appearing to be on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. During this time, Orion is visible in the night sky in the northern hemisphere.
People wishing to utilize these Orion energies in December can do night time meditations outside under the starlight. Try to position yourself so that the Orion constellation is directing over head or so that you are facing it.
This Orion opposite Sun alignment will be particularly beneficial to those Orion starseeds that have unintegrated Orion energy. People born under the Orion opposite Sun alignment will likely have some unintegrated Orion energy.
Unintegrated Orion energies tend to manifest as difficulties in achieving material wealth, being inspired and maintaining motivation. Orion starseeds with unintegrated Orion energies are likely to have a weak will power and are likely to have some solar plexis issues. However, this energy can be integrated during this time as well.