Starseed Characteristics
Feeling of being different, or knowing they are different, somewhat Alien
Viewed as unusual or eccentric even when attempting to fit in
Extremely Sensitive
Developed Sixth Sense
Empathic, Telepathic, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient or Clairaudient
Have the ability to communicate with Extraterrestrial beings on interdimensional planes.
When experiencing OBE or Astral Travel/Projecting will lean towards extraterrestrial planes/realms and visitations from Extraterrestrials.
Can influence others energetically or be influenced energetically by other beings on higher dimensional planes when communicating between planes.
Starseed contactees are / have been visited by extraterrestrials from childhood.
Seem to attract UFO's or have the ability to call visitations telepathically or energetically..
Have the ability to blend in/adapt to all kinds of people and situations, able to mimic the energy and characteristics of different groups.
Attracted to positive, or higher vibrational energy.
Often have very advanced muscle memory (The ability to mimic and perfect physical tasks like dancing, martial arts etc) with very little repetition required.
Often are advanced intellectually, have the ability to process information fast, or even in some cases download the information required from their higher repository.

Are often highly creative in art, music, building etc.
Are often in tune with nature.
Can be extremely advanced in the building or use of technology (ie. building computers, programming, IT Graphics, engineering etc)
Often Advanced in Mathmatics or Science.
Early development in childhood, Matured faster Mentally, Physically, Emotionally.
Often have tendency towards reading, researching or studying.
Tendency to explore metaphysics, spirituality, new age
Innate knowledge they're not from Earth / from the Stars
Feel driven towards helping the Earth or Society
Advanced or latent at energy manipulation, energy healing
Many experience past life regressions / Alternate timelines or realities
Have a need to find others of like consciousness
Feel a need to find God/Source?Universal Consciousness
Feel they have a mission
Feel like home is out there among the stars
Many have a very strong immune system OR have never broken bones
Acute hearing, or can hear outside the Human threshold frequency range of 20 Hz to 20KHz
Be prone to unusual sleep patterns,in some cases insomnia