“I dream”
Best quality: Idealism Worst quality: Vagueness
Neptune represents the unconscious urge to dissolve the boundaries of your ego-centeredness in order to ‘lose yourself’ in other realms of being. While Uranus breaks into our dimension to allow momentary flashes of insight into other realms of existence, Neptune is those other realms. Neptune dissolves life’s patterns in order to teach new meanings in the quest for universal wisdom. Neptune represents things that aren’t quite as they appear, the illusive, and the unreal. It is the planet of receptivity, imagination, cloudiness, confusion, delusion, illusion, and unreality. Neptune is also associated with movies, acting, and compassion.

Neptune can indicate mystical visions of a divine creator, or an experience of the primordial chaos before creation (dangerously, the latter can drive one to madness). Neptune can indicate spiritual healing and service to others, or becoming lost in a foggy world of fantasy and dreams. More often than not, Neptune indicates confusion in the House where it resides in your birth chart. A negatively positioned Neptune in the natal chart can indicate a tendency to escape reality. The house and sign will indicate whether it be through mind-altering drugs and alcohol, day-dreaming, sexual addiction, cult worship, psychosis, potential suicide, or others. At its best, Neptune's energy inspires marvelous art, music, theatre, dance, poetry, and film. Above all, Neptune represents the intangible, and makes it very real.
Interpretations for Neptune in each zodiac sign are available here: Neptune in the Signs
Interpretations for Neptune in each House of the birth chart: Neptune in Houses