False Twin? Fake Twin? No it's a Dark Twin....

"From personal experience 98 out of 100 twins experience this, I did myself" By Ryan basford
As Linda Vandeberg states: "Yes, this is fact it is the last involed to prepare you for your True Twin because with your false (the dark one) you learn the lessson of ";What Love Isnt" "You see well it prepares you for what unconditional self love is, Pure love, Gods Love, Unconditional Twin Love"
Have you asked yourself this question? Have you experienced this? Are you now?

Well Reach out to the divine team and we will support you through this and guide you in the right light or vibration.
Speak to Linda Vandeberg Ryan Basford Anastasia Love
Any of our admins in the Facebook group Unconditional Self Love Twin Community.
Love, Light, and One & Infinity ♡