Numbers to watch out for and what they mean (put in "Joanne's Sacred Scribes" with a number in Google for full meanings): 1's = New beginning, Yes's, and a series of ones is twin flames (11:11) 2 = partnership/union, couple 3 = Twin flames (you, your divine partner, and source as one), catalyst/ignition, divine protection, divine partnership, communication 4 = stability, wedding/coming together/commitment, and being surrounded by angels' support 5 = Divine Change 6 = The "Lovers" card in the Tarot. Balance of masculine/feminine. Equilibrium. 7 = Divine/divinity, spirituality (I see it as 'get present' sometimes if I'm too much in my head). Your spiritual path 8 = Infinity/long term happiness w your ideal mate, twin flames 9 = almost there; 10 = it is done! This is complete. So be it. Your wish is the universe's command.

1) To save planet Earth (AKA "Ascension"). I know that sounds so dramatic, but it's true. We are forming a new Earth at this time and the collective vibration of the planet needs to raise to a certain level for ascension to occur. The happiness and harmony of the twins not only raise each others vibrations, but the entire collective and anyone they come into contact with and inspire during their everyday lives. With all the chaos, destruction, and heartache in the world, the twins are here to balance that out and help stabilize and provide a new template for a new civilization to live by. They are "power couples"... leaders who set an example. Also, twin flames usually have a mission they have together that is also quite inspirational and exciting for anyone participating so that is yet another angle from which they bring great joy to our collective energies. Some twins gets depressed if they don't have some sort of mission together.
2) To be an example of unconditional love. First you heal yourself, then you heal each other in your relationship, then this spills over into everything you do. Therefore, taking personal responsibility is mandatory for this journey. Without it, your relationship is meaningless since this TF journey is all about learning how to unconditionally love yourself and others. It's a waste of time to merely be trying to "come into union" (form a relationship) because, even if you come into union, you could cause a separation if your ego has a stronghold and you try to make the other person responsible for your happiness. You have to be willing to own your stuff and face your demons. Your twin will not be perfect so don't put that expectation on them or think they are the key to your happiness... you are. They may even push your buttons and trigger your deepest fears. Focus on you and your own growth. If both of you do this, you can overcome anything. I highly recommend doing some energy work as well. It can really accelerate your growth and help you let go of blockages.
Think about all the things that may frustrate you about your twin then reflect on how you are doing the same thing. If you want your twin to get motivated, you get motivated about your mission in life... what gets you excited. If you want your twin to move, move into a new place, move into a new office... just move! If you want them to grow, grow. Dedicate time daily to your growth practices. If you think they should get rid of their addictions, you get rid of your addictions (even your addiction to them). This is one reason I recommend Byron Katie's work to everyone. She has a simple and effective process to help people shift responsibility back to themselves. I know that sounds like something you really don't want to do sometimes, but, when you do, you actually feel quite liberated and gain a better sense of humor and peace of mind. It really takes your stress away when you decide to question any stressful thoughts. So don't procrastinate and keep pushing those feelings aside. Address them and set yourself free every time something comes up.
There is a connection between you and this other person your soul is drawn to for a reason. Your soul wants to explore that connection. There's something inside of you that needs to shift. There's something inside that person that needs to shift. It's all to aid in your ascension. Sometimes, even when you're married to your twin, you're drawn to someone new. I know of a couple who discuss these issues with each other openly, when they arise, and decide if they want to explore with these new people and how they'll do that staying committed to each other. They really go deep together exploring and discussing what they're discovering about what this person is reflecting back to them and remain in their relationship making it even stronger as a result. Always be open with your partner. You can get through anything if you do. Maintain trust between you and find the healing in all situations above all else.
I talk a lot about unconditional love. This is love for you as well as for her. If she disrespects you or treats you according to old karmic ways, she does not get a free pass because she is your twin flame. No. If she treats you like that, she's not ready for union. You have to set your boundaries and make sure you're taking care of yourself first and foremost.
Usually, if there's distance (separate locations or a separation in the relationship) it's because there's too great a difference between the vibrational levels of each individual. The more you come into harmony with each others' energies, the closer you get and/or more time you'll spend together. If you are in separation, just work on yourself and grow. Don't dwell in negativity or beat yourself up. Rise up and get passionate about your life and mission.
Do your best to not plan out your partner's future. Don't wait around wishing things would hurry along because then your life will be great. You're not loving yourself or them if you do that. In fact, wanting what's best for them is what will accelerate your union. The more each of us follows our bliss in any given moment, the more we're drawn to our ultimate destiny and since, we are each others' ultimate destiny, guess where our bliss will lead? So, if your partner is long distance and doesn't want to move here, don't push it. Encourage her to do what feels most exciting for her. Otherwise, she'll show resistance and it'll take longer to have to sort all those feelings out and all of that. You'll cause delays that way. Go with what brings them happiness. If she has a karmic partner, let her explore that. Again, it will ultimately help your relationship somehow. Choose the path of least resistance. And, even if it looks like that path is taking them away from you, trust it is actually a more direct path to you. Have faith in God having his hand in this and trust.
Also, try not to expect them to be a certain way. Sometimes, before we're in union, we think we have an idea of who the other is and have them on a pedestal. Both partners do this. So, realize they are not perfect, just like you, and allow them to be whoever they show up as each moment. Make each moment new by not trying to pigeon hold them as who you knew them to be. I can't tell you how many times I've heard twins tell me their partner showed up out of the blue a completely different person! Forgive the past, if there was hurt, and allow what is not to be what it is and embrace it. Love them just as they are and they will do the same.
What does it mean to love "yourself"? First, there's the superficial kind of loving yourself which consists of taking care of your body, cutting yourself slack, not beating yourself up, taking a break, replenishing your energy, having a good attitude, having fun, and recharging your batteries. These things make you happy as long as they are there. Take them away and you'll get sucked back into negativity again. Up and down you go... loving yourself then hating yourself and back again. Circumstances dictating how you feel about yourself.
Then there's truly loving your "self". This a level where you realize there is the drama of life you're interacting with, but remain untouched by. At this level, you see you are not your personality, your body, your opinions, your beliefs, and, instead of feeding or accommodating that persona and its attachments, or trying to be a 'better' persona, you realize you are perfect in this moment as you are... that you are the authentic beingness beyond all of it. You are the tingly aliveness and animation of your body. You are free. Complete acceptance of all life has to offer however it shows up. Loving what is without wanting it to change. This is true love for self.
Yes. I believe this to be the case. Elizabeth from House of Idems also concurs (I highly recommend her Facebook group) and Dr. Harmony writes of this in her book Twin Flame Codebreaker. There are plenty of karmic partners (those we learn lessons from), but only one that shares this deep soul connection. Don't worry, though, if you think you might be barking up the wrong tree because the universe will sometimes dangle a carrot in front of us (a karmic partner disguised as the real one) to get us to move forward in a direction for our highest good. If we just follow the carrot (like in the matrix, you may have to follow the white rabbit), you are still being led to what ends up being a cake. And the cake will be even better. You can't go wrong as long as you're growing in your love for yourself and passion for life and your mission in it.
Yes. Soulmates can be a brother, sister, dog, or hamster but your twin flame is the one who can set your heart and passion for life on fire. You are the male and female aspects of the same soul. Having said that, they can start out as friends which are the types that take the longest, but are the most harmonious in the longrun.
The following list I got from the book "Twin Flame Code Breaker 11:11 Key Codes" by Dr. Harmony:
Twin flames feel the need to be honest. The ultimate truth comes up and they feel the need for confession.
Twins can communicate about anything and everything and can spend hours talking.
Twins feel that they are born to carry out a great mission or have a greater purpose.
Twins emit creative energy used to create something productive individually and together.
Twins know the other person as well or better than they know themselves.
Twins enter 5D (5th dimension time), where time goes by fast, to accelerate the process, getting them on the same page faster.
Twins get on a fast track of esoteric cosmic wisdom.
Twins start seeing 11:11 around the time of physical connection.
There isn't necessarily an immediate chemical attraction (lust); they are often "not your type" (this is to help us overcome our egos and love from the heart.). Once together, however, the passion is unparalleled because it's deeper.
Twins prepare for advanced ascension work and do this work together after each have awakened spiritually, or at least are in the process.
Twins can see issues that need resolving in other people and they know how to help them.
Twins are always teaching each other.
Twins are very intuitive; one or both have a strong connection and are guided by spirit.
Twins feel each other's pain (and even have been know to feel each others' hang over and sex with other partners) - even when in separation.
Twins come together to help complete the balance of their masculine/feminine energies.
Twins feel an emotional and spiritual connection (and have usually had some type of kundalini/spiritual awakening).
Twins have suffered much pain in previous relationships.
Twins usually have some form of telepathic communication.
Twins have the ability to heal others.
Twins look, feel, and act younger.
Twins are capable but have trouble asking for help.
Twins activate past life awareness's in order to clear the past.
Other indicators or FAQ I've learned from other sources since I've been on this journey:
The Divine Feminine twins usually look into the meaning of twin flames when they meet and are usually the first to recognize their connection.
For example, I looked back in time to see when I'd met my twin to see if this was true and it was. I liked another guy at the time we met, but I did start watching twin flame videos right at that time. I was watching them thinking it could be the other guy, but the timing was there.
Twins usually feel fed up with regular (karmic) relationships and just want to find their soulmate.
For example, when we first met, he said, "I just want to meet my soulmate" and I said, "You and me both." Ha! Little did we know we just had.
As I said, the Divine Feminine usually knows first. Once she/he knows, she starts to reach out to the masculine. At first, she makes more effort than he does, but eventually learns to trust in divine timing and lets it happen naturally. She learns to trust it without needing 'proof'. Part of the reason for this is, she needs to heal abandonment issues and get over insecurities (on the flip side, he's doing the same thing but in a different way which is one reason why he doesn't reach out back except to stay connected however he can find the ability, strength, and courage to while he faces a stage called his "dark night of the soul" which I go into below.).
I have shared my personal twin flame story on this page so you can see more examples from my own journey for more inspiration and faith building.
Twins trust each other automatically. It can take you back to an innocent, childlike time in your life like how your best friend felt when you were little.
The DF's job is protector and dreamer and the DM is the one who 'makes it happen' (the doer/manifester).
They can be opposites in some ways, but compliment each other very well - usually one is strong where the other is weak and vice versa. Together, they become an unstoppable force.
Twins often have the same or similar physical ailments or struggle with the same things in different ways. For example, if one has a chronic problem with their knee, often times, the other twin either has the same thing or develops it. I know one couple where the feminine's calves pop (how common is that?). After living together, his calves also began to pop. Crazy!
Twins often have a significant age difference (not always, but it's common). I don't know why this is, but this seems to be yet another egoic thing they have to get over... that true love trumps societal and egoic rules.
Twins can't stop thinking about each other. Even when you put them completely out of your mind and move on, they're still in the background like trying to run from your own shadow. You just can't shake them.
Twins boost your faith in the opposite sex again. They make you feel like you can love again and, at the same time, it scares you for the same reason. It can be terrifying.
Feminines may feel the inclination to protect him like you would a sweet kitten. I know I did. This is because the Divine Feminine's job is protector and visionary.
Psychics and readers can tell you he's the one, but you're ultimately the only one who can really tell. It's just not like anything you've ever had with anyone else before and you'll compare everyone to them. There's a purity... a divine pull that keeps sucking you in.
Obviously, I'm not the DM, but, from watching lots of readings and meeting many DM's, here's sort of a summary that can help you identify yourself. The divine masculine is the one who ignites the flame between the two then is also usually the one who pushes the feminine away for awhile initially so he can go through a deep purging process of sorts. You are a man (or woman) who is going through or has just been through hell and back (the "dark night of the soul") and who is learning to heal himself and come to a more mature place of balance and trust in the universe. You're learning to overcome your ego and addictions. You have given and given to women in the past and those women were ungrateful and demanded more. This left you with a feeling of unworthiness. The truth of the matter was that those women were not loving themselves and women who do not love themselves refuse to see their own worth or accept others' love so they keep begging for more proof to make themselves feel better. They manipulated you to fill their own void. It had nothing to do with you being worthy. It had everything to do with you trying to fill an endless void in a woman who just didn't like herself. You have resisted your feminine side, but are learning the value of it now and are pushing against societal constraints when it comes to being able to express that side of yourself. You are coming into your power through this process of going deep within you to seek the answers and are even tapping into your own intuitive abilities like your feminine counterpart. In fact, you are learning to trust it. You're learning productive ways to deal with your stress that usually involve healthy physical activity of some sort. You are working to heal issues with your parents... mainly, your mom. This is key for coming into union with your Divine feminine as, whatever issues you had with your mom, will tend to repeat in some way with your feminine if you don't. You may feel insecure, unworthy, or be afraid of being hurt again. You're also afraid of someone becoming needy (one of your challenges to heal as abandonment is her main issue). You go through a time (or several waves) of dipping your toe in the water with your divine feminine before you ultimately pursue a relationship with her. You may even watch her on social media to keep tabs on her while you sort out a plan and try to see if what you feel is real. She may present you with an opportunity to move closer to her if you are apart or you may just feel compelled to make the move on your own. You feel passionate about her and, the more time that passes, the more you realize how powerful this connection is and how badly you want it. You can't get her out of your head and hold the sweetest memories of her. You most likely even already love your divine feminine, but haven't told her (in so many words). You value her tremendously and even look up to her in many ways after an initial time of being skeptical or even putting her down to others or flat out pushing her away (circumstances vary). Eventually, you are learning to speak your truth in a kind yet strong way and no longer cower at opposition. You've learned to stand up for yourself with firmness yet gentleness and are ready to defend your relationship to friends and family as there is usually some sort of resistance to overcome. You've learned to take personal responsibility for your own happiness and are staking your claim on the future you want with your feminine counterpart. You are probably even wanting to show up as an entirely different man than the one she initially met. Ultimately, follow your heart. When it comes time to speak your truth about your feelings to your feminine, don't be afraid of her rejection. She already loves you, too, and knows you are her best bet at that ultimate "happy ending" too. By the time you've reached this conclusion, so has she. You are mirrors and share the same soul. So just do it. She's waiting for you to reach out to her 'cause, most likely, she's done an awful lot of initiating and is now respectfully giving you space and awaiting reciprocation. Oh! And don't worry about being perfect. She knows you're not perfect. She's not expecting you to be. Just be yourself and be honest is all she asks.
If this doesn't describe you, remember there are different phases or waves so if you still have some forgiveness or healing to be had till you feel this free, don't be disheartened. Just keep developing and you'll be on the next wave. It's all a matter of divine timing and everyone has a pre-destined date to come together.
I think the divine feminines and masculines were the "sweet ones" who tried to make our marriages work, who tried to be in integrity and honor, who were faithful, told the truth, and did our very best to be the best spouses we could be and were abused, put down, made fun of, and treated poorly as a result. We were "weak" to the cold of heart. These sweet, kind-hearted people have now left these karmic relationships, having learned to love and value themselves, and are now ready to begin a whole new level of love on a level all its own. They are evolving into realizing their worth and yearning for the kind of love that heals you from the inside out... a child like, innocent, pure hearted love that makes their hearts and minds expand and their partner cherishes them for who they are (because they essentially ARE them just from different angles). They're coming home to themselves. Pure harmonious love with balanced masculine/feminine energy.
The following is an excerpt by Eckart Tolle: "The 'dark night of the soul' is a term that goes back a long time. It is a term used to describe a collapse of a perceived identification with or meaning of life… an upheaval that causes a deep sense of meaninglessness or depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no purpose to anything. These can be triggered by an external event like meeting your twin flame, disaster, death, etc. that just makes you question everything in your life. It makes you question the meaning you had given your life, activities, achievements, where you are going, what is considered important. It all collapses before you try to put the pieces slowly back together.
When people go through this, there is then greater possibility that you may emerge out of that into a transformed state of consciousness. Life has meaning again, but it’s no longer a conceptual meaning that you can necessarily explain. Quite often it’s from there that people awaken out of their conceptual sense of reality, which has collapsed. They awaken into something deeper, which is no longer based on concepts in your mind. A deeper sense of purpose or connectedness with a greater life that is not dependent on explanations or anything conceptual any longer. It’s a kind of re-birth.
The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. What dies is the egoic sense of self. Of course, death is always painful, but nothing real has actually died there – only an illusory identity. Now it is probably the case that some people who’ve gone through this transformation realized that they had to go through that, in order to bring about a spiritual awakening. Often it is part of the awakening process, the death of the old self and the birth of the true self.
The first lesson in A Course in Miracles says “Nothing I see in this room means anything”, and you’re supposed to look around the room at whatever you happen to be looking at, and you say “this doesn’t mean anything”, “that doesn’t mean anything”. What is the purpose of a lesson like that? It’s a little bit like re-creating what can happen during the dark night of the soul. It’s the collapse of a mind-made meaning, conceptual meaning, of life… believing that you understand “what it’s all about”. With A Course in Miracles, it’s a voluntary relinquishment of the human mind-made meaning that is projected, and you go voluntary into saying “I don’t know what this means”, “this doesn’t mean anything”. You wipe the board clean. In the dark night of the soul it collapses. Then you can look upon the world without imposing a mind-made framework of meaning. It looks of course as if you no longer understand anything. That’s why it’s so scary when it happens to you, instead of you actually consciously embracing it. It can bring about the dark night of the soul – to go around the Universe without any longer interpreting it compulsively, as an innocent presence. You look upon events, people, and so on with a deep sense of aliveness. Your sense the aliveness through your own sense of aliveness, but you are not trying to fit your experience into a conceptual framework anymore."
No. But there were three guys I thought might be my soulmate before I met the actual one. This was partially because of a special circumstance where I was inspired to move to Boulder by a deceased ex boyfriend who told me to go there to find my soulmate. This made me look for him constantly (and the universe had fun with that - the real twin flame I didn't see coming of course). And, reflecting back on their significance, each one prepared me for a certain aspect of my twin I had to get acclimated to. One made me feel comfortable and desired in my skin again and ignited passion in me again for the first time since my divorce. He was 20 years younger, good looking, and tender hearted. He also helped me trust men could be good again. The next taught me about shy guys, what a great catch they are once they commit, and I saw the importance and relevance of past lives and how they influence us in this life. He was also young and super cute. He and I had a really playful, sweet connection. The third was my best friend who was 21 years younger. We hung out for hours and never tired of each other. We made each other laugh so hard for hours on end. We were fascinated by each other. We talked about everything under the sun with complete honesty. We could sit and 'just be' in silence together for hours. He cracked my heart wide open and expanded my perception of life.
My twin has all of the attributes of all three of them only he is just 13 years younger, more mature, solid, established in his work, emotionally intelligent, and more in line with my beliefs. If I'd have had all this in my twin all at the same time, it'd have been overwhelming and I'd probably have felt I wasn't worthy or good enough. Now I can't imagine anyone better for him than me. I still get twinges of insecurity, sure, but, if it weren't for these others, I don't think there'd have been a chance. I'd have just been too skeptical of it all seeming too good to be true. It's all perfectly and divinely orchestrated so trust the process. You'll know when you've hit home.
I've heard this before that many twins come into union right at a time in their lives when it felt like their lives were falling apart. I think I know why that is. I think it's because unions happen around lunar eclipses and other intense moon energies. Within these energies, you are forced (made to feel SO uncomfortable you make big changes) to get rid of everything that doesn't serve you anymore, face your demons, and kind of start your life all over again with a clean slate. Makes sense that's when he would step in, right? These changes that are taking place are also aligning you more with what you truly feel passionate about in life. So this would be an ideal time to have a blank canvas and create new lives together. My twin and I actually met under the energy of an eclipse. In fact, many I've talked to have.
Sometimes, when we're going through this "life falling apart" time like this, we may feel lonely, betrayed, hurt, and left to fend for ourselves and like no one has our backs... like it's you against the world. But alone really means "all one". When you realize you are all one, there is no difference between you and everyone else and, just like water runs any obstacles, so, too, can you move right around anyone you feel you can't trust anymore and be supported by anyone and everyone. In a sense, when you broaden your scope, you are then supported by ALL of life. A stranger may give you a huge tip, a hug, someone from the past offers you gratitude. You run across a wonderful opportunity.
When you get close to union, you may experience more temptation. These are sort of like tests, but it's more like God just continuously gives us options we've chosen before along with new choices so we truly have free will and are choosing what we truly want. There are also dark forces at work trying to figure out a way to not let these unions happen, from any angle they can, because it is causing the vibration of the planet to rise which they do not want.
People may stalk you. They may manipulate or deceive you. They may seduce you. They may even have some twin flame signs I've listed above and make you wonder "Is it this one or is it that one?". If there's a tough choice, I always tell people to go back to your initial connection and feel into which one immediately seemed to love you versus who needed warming up? This sorting, sifting, and discerning is not only part of our growth process, helps us narrow down what we really want (and truly value it), but we learn how to be better communicators and sometimes these people hold a key to your future success or kind of fill a void for you in some way as sort of a space-holder till your twin comes into the picture (these are known as 'twin flame facilitators' - other twin flames on a spiritual quest where you help each other prepare) keeping you from feeling lonely and helping you trust in the process and grow each other - with no interest in each other romantically.
If you know your twin, sex with karmic partners will be meaningless (you'll probably just think about your twin anyway) and you might end up feeling guilty so why do it? Yes, you can have some sort of tantric experience with someone, that's a spiritual experience, and teaches you something deep you can then pertain to your relationship with your twin, but why not discover that with her once in union? Do what you will, but, for me, I want to keep my energy clean and clear of anyone else's energy (you end of getting chords that attach the two of you when you have sex that can enable them to continue to feed off of your energy if you don't get them cleared out of your energy field before you go into union with your twin). I recommend celibacy, but also not to wait (since waiting creates sadness and pressure). Get out there, date, and have fun. Just keep it clean and/or be honest about where you're at. I also try not to kiss. It's hard, once you kiss, to stop and you'll get the karmic's hopes up.
If you already have a karmic, they could sense, or even know, you have a divine feminine and try to give you a guilt trip, manipulate, control, or seduce you in order to sabotage your relationship with her to keep you from coming together. They may even resort to trying to get pregnant so you have a bond forever.
The closer you get to your union with your divine feminine, there may be people you consider close to you that may see your light, even where you don't, and know full well what you're capable of and who you truly are. You may be close to seeing it yourself, but they may try to convince you to stay where you are... not even so they can keep you around, but so they can feed off your energy. These people may be sapping you of your energy, leaving you confused, overwhelmed, and conflicted, and they feel better about themselves when they keep you down. They're jealous and want what you have. There are also dark forces trying to keep twin flames from coming into their power and coming into union any way they can so just be aware and question everyone and their motives when it comes time for you to reach out towards your brightest future. Don't let others get to you. Stand your ground in what you believe once you know your truth. You'll be tested and have to discern who you truly are, what you want, who truly supports you in where you're going, who'll applaud you in your success, and who you need to say, "Get behind me, Satan" to. It's always a good idea to have energy work done and cut chords on anyone or anything you've been in a relationship with and I would also suggest cutting chords to any ancestral baggage (or other karmic baggage) you may have brought along with you that may be holding you back.
There are lots of readers out there in Youtube land. I would avoid fear-based ones and stick with the ones that seem spot on for you as it speaks to the divine masculine. If you don't know who your twin flame is, just know that, if they're describing you and what you're going through to a "T", you've got a counterpart out there that is going through what the divine feminine is going through so just learn and grow till you two meet and magnetize toward union. If you do know who she is, keep in mind these readings are geared toward the collective so not everyone will resonate in every way. For example, I resonate with most divine feminine readings 100%, but, when they talk about issues she's having with her children, I know that's about the DF's who have kids... not me (yet I still listen trying to see if there's a twist on it like maybe it's not about our kids we already have, but kids he may want to have for example). But the rest applies. Also, sometimes, they talk about the DF who's mad and resentful because of years of difficulty between her and her DM. That's not me either. My twin flame journey started in February. So there'll be some things like that you'll ignore and just pay attention to those things that pertain... most of all, the advice.
The most important element of coming together with your twin flame is each of you being balanced equally in your feminine and masculine sides and to be healed and whole individually (it's not like you both have to be perfect, but you've got to be willing to take personal responsibility and not let your ego run the show). In order to do this, you've got to face your shadow side head on. Here are some tools to help you breeze through any triggers and issues that will arise to cleanse you of any remnants of co-dependency, fear, and ego that remain as an obstacle to you guys coming together:
Respecting the Shadow exercise
Learning how to love yourself
I LOVE YOU (I do this every night) Physically touch your heart, close your eyes, and say, "I love you" to yourself like a mantra repeatedly (and, yes, he feels it too) Then, once you've got a good buzz going, start thinking back through your day and reflect on anything that bothered you about you and say, "I love you even when..." or "I love you even if..." and keep going till you can't think of anything else that needs addressing. It's a great way to love yourself and get a good night's sleep. You can even do this right when you're hard on yourself throughout the day too.
It's always scary to open your heart up again. There is a lot of pain that comes along with the perks. Those triggers will come up and, at first, you'll be scared they'll respond like your ex's (the "karmics" - the ones who teach us lessons) when you feel like you need to bring something up (all the twins have come through some super hard past relationships to help you grow and make you appreciate this rare find). Then you'll come to realize her reaction doesn't matter because you've come to love and support yourself through this time and can take care of yourself. Plus, there's a quality there in her you notice is kinda new for you... kindness. Compassion. She cares. Deeply. Maybe not about everything, but the stuff that matters. As time goes by, you'll notice you become less and less triggered and you become more and more free through the same clean up process you used on yourself prior to this relationship. The relationship becomes a portal for you to transcend the ego once and for all... only with someone. And, for the most part, they get you. On a deep level, they get you. You just feel it. Sure, you'll disagree, but it'll make sense. You'll balance each other out and kinda 'spot' each other. When both of you become more free, in your power, trusting, and loving, what could ever stand in your way? What God has brought together, let no man put asunder. Our karmics were valuable teaching tools is all. Now we step into fully loving ourselves like never before. We take it to a whole other level. Scary stuff for sure.
This is like the big leagues of relationships!
If you are struggling to get into a good place and even properties that encourage motivation, willpower, discipline and strength of character.