Twin Flame Unions Into Relationships…Expectations and “Getting Real”
We’ve been working with an increasing number of twin flames who are in relationship, having jumped the broom from being primarily a spiritual connection to integrating their 3D lives, emotional bodies, physical bodies, and all that comes with it.

Boy howdy, are people having some interesting and intense rides…
I wanted to write this for those of you who aren’t yet there, plus those of you that are as there is a lot we have to say on this subject :-)
When Remi and I first met, and I got all of the spiritual activations and awakenings and went into my bliss body, then went on the internet and read how twin flame love is the highest love we’ll ever experience etc. etc. I had NO IDEA what the journey really was like.
Fortunately from a few teachers who had been on the path for awhile, I knew to expect purification along the way, but we had to make a lot of it up as we went along (as all twin flames do). Part of our mission is to share what we learn as we go to hopefully make the journey easier, smoother, quicker, and more possible for as many twin flames as we can.
So here are some things we’ve learned:
1) Don’t expect your twin flame to act like your soul mate! They won’t LOL and it will save you a lot of heartache and disappointment. Remember the purpose of twin flames is to assist in the ascension/transformation of Earth by helping purify lower energies and templates and raising their vibrations. This is done through a series of initiations and as the old stuff comes up to be purified, most twin flames temporarily take on the old and can act like real jerks. This doesn’t mean they are not your eternal beloved — they are — but it means you get to endure quite a lot of acting out while the purification process goes on.
The less you take it personally, the more you focus on healing (for you and for them), and the less you expect from them in terms of behaviour — “you should be this way or that way, you should (insert ANYTHING here)” the better it will go. The good news is, that as you both purify, if you both keep going on the path, they will more and more act like what you wanted them to act like in the beginning….but this is a process and they won’t be there right out of the gate.
2) Don’t boot them out of your heart/life/consciousness because they look like “damaged goods” and not what you’re looking for in a lover. Again, this is because they are purifying old stuff — that is not who they truly are — their soul is linked with yours and you are made of the same essence. If they are bad, so are you, and you’re not bad, so the same goes for them! The more you can hold them in sacred light, and realize their soul is with yours, you two are dancing in the heavens together already and you’re just here on Earth on a service mission — together — the more you assist them in their process.
3) Most twin flames, until they have reached a certain level of ascension, cannot be in each other’s physical space 24/7. This goes for me and Remi still at this point. We need breaks, and so do most other twin flames as they go through the stages before total harmony. It’s OK.
We’ve worked with twin flames who are in union but don’t yet live together. It’s OK. We’ve worked with twin flames who live together at first then need to go back and forth. It’s OK. Again, don’t expect this relationship to look like a soul mate relationship with a predictable procession of things. This is an orchestrated process with many twists and turns that end up leading somewhere amazing, with many gifts along the way, but it won’t meet your expectations.
4) Twin flames need to learn to do energy clearing and healing if they want to go far into union and mission. We cannot emphasize this enough! Twin flames get attacked by negative energies on a regular basis — it’s nothing to be scared of or intimidated by and they actually make us more powerful once we know what we’re doing. It’s all the dance of dark and light.
Just educate yourself what you’re dealing with and how to transform for you and your twin. Remi and I do energy clearing three times a day (or more) and I really believe this is one reason we’ve been able to get this far.
We worked with a twin flame couple last night who have been through incredibly tough stuff recently and keep going higher and into more union together — they were laughing saying “we’re kicking darkness’s butt!” Oh yeah! You can too.
5) When you start getting irritated with your twin flame, before you speak, before you do anything, first clear negative energies. When you’ve done that, look within and see what is in you that is coming up to be transformed.
Often, what you’re feeling has nothing to do with your twin flame, and everything to do with something going on around you or within you. The less we jump down our twin flame’s throat for something that isn’t even their “fault” the less damage we do to the connection and the smoother and quicker the union can progress. Getting out of blame, judgment and criticism is one of the golden rules of twin flame union moving into relationship, one of the most important things we’ve learned. Negative energies can be very tricky and can get us to believe all kinds of things — clear first before you follow a negative thread without knowing it. Then look within.
6) Be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate. Your twin flame is a beautiful soul, just like you, who came to serve and take on some very hard Earth energies for the purpose of elevating this planet. Keeping the mission in mind, you two become cosmic teammates in a very important project. This is so much more than just a relationship — twin flames in union become powerful portals of creation that are really doing something for the planet. Honor that in you, in them, in each other.
7) Don’t take their stuff personally. One of the best pieces of advice I got early in our twin flame journey was “don’t find yourself in his unconsciousness.” Boy is that hard! But very necessary. The less I get caught up in what Remi is saying when he projects onto me (happens very rarely now, but sure happened lots in the beginning!), the quicker we can both move through whatever was coming up to the surface. It rarely is a “relationship problem” and almost always outside energies, or something within us that is getting alchemized. Don’t turn it into a “relationship problem” when it really isn’t!
8) Know that the union process into relationship has strong cycles of initiation — you will go up to a higher level, then you will temporarily go “down” as deeper stuff comes up to the surface. The higher you go, the deeper the stuff to clear and it can get really hard and hairy as you go up quite high. If you know to expect this, it’s less shocking and you can at least know it’s part of the process, nothing to fear or worry about, just something to go through. You’ll move through it. Up, down, then higher up, and on it goes…
9) Honor and love yourself and your twin flame wherever you are, whatever is happening. This is a sacred union that cannot be broken. You two truly are cosmic teammates who are always on each other’s side — no matter what it looks like in the 3D theatre of Earth. Everything you are doing in your union and mission process counts — even if you aren’t seeing 3D results yet. Keep going!
As Remi and I reach higher and higher levels of harmony, I can tell you that EVERY initiation you have to go through is worth it a million times over. No matter where you will get to in your union process, you will receive gifts if you are open to receiving them and not caught up in wishing things to be different. This journey is not meant to break you, it’s meant to heal you and transform you and the planet.
It’s why you came, and there is no more sacred work than that. All our love to you <3 <3 <3.
© Twin Flame Healers