In each moment
Within every vibration and frequency
We search for truth and purpose
We go inward
We find God in these moments
Our soul yearns for us to find our inner unconditional self love
Our purpose is to heal ourselves
And to heal the earth with this love and light
To support all with this unconditional love
What else is there? What is better than unconditional self love?
God's love is unconditional
Give God unconditional love
So many go outward to find source connection
The path is inward to our own heart
You seek truth, passion, compassion and search for answers
What if the answers were all right in front of you? What if they are all within? Well they are!
This starts within our own love for ourselves and flows outward
Our divine connection to divine source energy of the infinity
You are, I Am
One love
One simple magnificent beautiful space that each of you create with your love for self and Gods divine source flow of pure bliss and happiness
We ask why, where, when, and how do we do this.
The answer is simple
God wants you to accept his unconditional love
Will you give yourself this love though? Will you spread this love inward and then outward?
Do you not see that this is the path.
Will you allow yourself to heal?
Will you hand it all over to God?
Will you ask for forgiveness and forgive all in your life?
If this was all you had to do would you do it?
When your questioning life and why you are here, who are you asking? Is it your higherself? Is it God, your guides, the archangels, spirit who your asking?
I've just given you the path to enlightenment
God will heal you if you allow it so
You will heal you if you surrender and be willing to sacrifice yourself to this love, gods love, divine love
What are you waiting for? God to come to you?
God is in you, you are made in gods image
Simply go to God and surrender it all
Hand over all that you are and have become
Cleanse and purify with gods love
Ask the Archangels to bless you
Ask all of them to bless you and Trust The Universe
Release the energy that you cannot control.
Stop trying or figuring out how to do this
I have just given you all the answers and your part
It's simple
Go inward to your higher self Go to God for forgiveness and forgive yourself
Find your purpose within like I find the answers and purpose within you
This is where it all begins
What begins?
Your New Life!
Your Divine Purpose
Your here for one single reason
To Unconditional Love yourself
This is true pure divine love
The only love you will realize you ever needed was your love, gods love, sources love of mind body spirit and soul
I am a being of Violet Fire, I am the Purity God Desires
Be this in every moment and watch the flow of your life and everyone around you change
Balance the flow, balance all that you are, balance all the vibrations and frequencies and let it be all that you are. All that you came here to be
The purity God desires
The purity your heart desires
I am the infinity
I am the flow
So are you!
Love & Light