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Conjunction (0°):

Connection; blend
Impressions: synergized, blended, infused, connected, influenced, activated, enhanced

Integration: initiated, acted upon, focalized, imbued, incorporated, implemented



Opposition (180° ):

Disparity; duality
Impressions: polar, dual, tense, imbalanced, divided, mirrored, prompted, torn, distinct

Integration: balanced, united, settled, stabilized, made whole, bridged, mediated



Trine (120° ):

Harmony; support
Impressions: harmonious, enriched, complementary, supportive, natural, flowing, easy

Integration: actualized, substantiated, appreciated, developed, made use of, valued



Square (90° ):

Challenge; unease
Impressions: blocked, restricted, challenged, difficult, different, exclusive, disharmonious

Integration: reconciled, harmonized, integrated, developed, adjusted, strengthened



Sextile (60° ):

Opportunity; potential
Impressions: possible, opportune, open, inclined, ease, presented, latent, capable


realized, implemented, acknowledged, allowed, accepted, chosen, applied

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