The Lyrans, they are 32,900 light years away. They have a beautiful scenery but I won't disclose that because many will read this and claim memories based on what I wrote. I want people to come up with the descriptions on their own so they know they are true memories and not something that they read. There a few races in lyra, but it is predominantly feline. They are ancient, and been around for eons. They hold an esoteric wisdom beyond and understanding here, although they have tried to teach it to earthlings in the days of Lemuria and Atlantis, when some of them tried to settle here. They are a 4th dimensional vibration, and although live etherically, they can manifest physically, and adapt to any environment. Traits of Lyran Starseeds online if you ever look, are mainly based on the sun sign of leo, and while there are some similarities with the Lyrans and Leo, it is not concrete because Lyra is not even close to the Zodiac of Leo. It was a sham that many who claimed to have wisdom on the subject used to lure people in. Leos would come across the traits and say "I must be Lyran!" and thus the person who posted them had a new follower. It is sad really. So, I am to set the record straight once again. I would also like to say that, not all beings alike, so how can anyone be classified under one set of traits? It is ridiculous. many have several of the traits so they can feel lost. Now, with my Starseed guidance, they can feel like they have concrete traits to go by but also know that they can still have an origin even if they do not fulfill the traits. That is why a Soul Origin reading is usually needed.

Traits of the Lyrans:
Lyrans are spunky, They have a spontaneous energy or can be so regal and laid back, that they carry an air of wisdom that makes them appear to be conservative. They like to be the first to try many things, but seldom finish projects because their energy loses interest after short while. However, you will see them with their hands into many different things, and they can labeled as a bit eccentric.
Lyrans have many leadership tendencies when around others who are of a different origin than them, but with others, they get quiet and observant. They may even be labeled as stuck or snobby due to their quiet reserved appearance when in a crowd of unknown people, due to being so watchful. They like to understand who they are around, and have a great awareness that leads to know who is about what. That has led them to make the perfect choices in friends. However, they do tend to lean toward the underdogs, who thrive on the Lyrans ability to lead them, fix them, and make them feel important.
They like to seek out a good thrill, and love to be the center of a good adventure, that can sometimes lead them into trouble, however, the always learn from it, and use the lessons to better themselves even further.
Lyrans have very strong emotions. They never seem to be breakable, they are the rocks of support for others, but they really have a sea of emotions deep down inside, it's just that they just try to be the ones who are the shoulders to lean on for others all of the time, and they will vent the emotion in another way later after they feel the person who is relying on them has been comforted enough. They are extremely passionate with their lovers, and even have a bit of trouble settling down, because they like different personalities and experiencing them, so they tend to bore easily in relationships, and seek out someone else to get to know. The Lyrans I have known, have huge hearts. They are giving, generous, and very open and trusting with everyone at first, but they do keep an eye out at all times for betrayal. The trust, but never fully. They will never be anyone's sucker or fool. They are hard workers, but will find easy ways to get around the laborous stuff. For some reason they have a short cut for everything, when others do it the technical way. They are very family oriented and protective over their families, even a bit possessive sometimes, as an feline is. They also love to keep up with apearance, and take a great pride in their grooming so to speak. Lyrans, are highly intelligent, and do not even need to be educated in some subjects. They have this knowing of things unlearned here, that they get from their teachings back in Lyra. They are not really the types to want to read a book, but once they do, they will realize that they knew the info already anyway.
Those with a lyran energy, have a great instinct in life, and can rely on their gut to tell them the truth. They can detect a lie, or sham anywhere, and see right through people with this inner sensation that guides them through the naval chakra.
For the Lyrans, there are some down traits as with any being here on Earth. If they do not know how to work with their origin energy. In Lyra they are perfect of course, being 4th dimensional and all. But here, they can have a bit of a temper. Not a rage, or anything, but if they are mad, look out. However they are mainly easy going, and lovable until provoked. They also can get extremely insecure if they do not know how to work with this energy While many are confident, there are some who feel really self conscious, and needy of reassurance. Some, not all. That is why I say that the traits placed online or in other videos can not be reliable. they say that the person has to have all of the traits, or they are not one, but the truth is, many come here unawakened, not kn owing how to work with the element of their origin.
Lyrans without control, can also be a bit jealous, but very passive. they like to make their partners happy, so much so, that they let them make all of the decisions sometimes, which is not like their character back home. In Lyra, they would be very self assertive. Mixing the traits with earth energy can have reverse affects. They can also be impatient, and seem moody and aloof if there is nothing exciting going on, They need constant stimulation, and change to be happy. Staying in one place could depress them.
That is how I have known Lyrans to be. When in Lyra, they had the positive traits magnified, but here, that is how they operate with earth energy. Very loving, very giving, and needing alot of stimulation in this world. Their energy is very high in vibration and they can not be idle for long. I may also add, that they have incredible sense of fashion as well.