The Arcturian Alignment occurs when the Earth, the Sun and Arcturus are in perfect alignment. The Arcturian Alignment happens twice a year: October 16-18 and April 16-18. On October 16-18th the Sun and Arcturus will be conjunct and on April 16-18th the Sun will be opposite Arcturus.

During the Arcturian Alignment, Arcturian starseeds may experience energetic interferences including increased communication with Arcturian beings, memories being unlocked etc. Arcturian beings tend to communicate with the starseeds through geometric patterns, colors or sounds, so starseeds may experience an increase in this sort of communication during the Arcturian Alignment. Arcturian starseeds may experience those ‘eureka moments’ more frequently and they may receive inspiration for their life’s purpose.
Sun Opposite Arcturus on April 16-18th

The Sun opposite Arcturus is an Arcturian alignment that occurs when the Sun is on the opposite side of the Earth, relative to Arcturus. The Sun opposite Arcturus is analogous to the Full Moon. Starseeds born under this Arcturian alignment are likely Arcturian starseeds that will have a bit of work to do to integrate the energy from their past life in Arcturus. These starseeds may have difficulty applying their Arcturian knowledge in their current lifetime without releasing/integrating that past life energy.
When this Arcturian alignment occurs in April, starseeds may find it beneficial to meditate outside during the night because Arcturus is visible in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere. Also really interesting, is that if you are lucky enough to live in the right location – you can get Arcturus directly overhead. If you can achieve this in mid-April, the Sun will be located directly below you. So if you sit outside with Arcturus above your Crown chakra and the Sun below your Root chakra – you can position yourself for some serious Arcturian energy integration.
To locate Arcturus in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere, locate the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and follow the arch of its handle until you find the bright orange star – that’s Arcturus! For my part of the world – I must look north east during anytime of the evening. I think it will be pretty much true for anyone in mainland North America.

As stated earlier, the Sun opposite Arcturus is an alignment that is analogous with the Full Moon. That means that during this Arcturian alignment, it would be a good time for action, applying Arcturian knowledge and creating with Arcturian energies. If you are working towards a goal that is heavy in energy that is congruent with Arcturian energy (your personal life’s purpose, science, technology, renewable energy etc), this Arcturian alignment will help speed up the manifestation of that goal.
Sun Conjunct Arcturus on October 16-18th

Sun Conjunct Arcturus is an Arcturian Alignment that occurs when Arcturus appears to disappear behind the Sun. Starseeds born under this alignment are likely Arcturian starseeds that have integrated the energy from their past life in Arcturus into their current life. These people will innately possess Arcturian knowledge and will find it easy to apply that knowledge to their everyday life.
When the Arcturian Alignment occurs in October, starseeds may find it beneficial to meditate out in the sun, with the sunlight directed onto your third eye. The Arcturian energy will constructively interfere with the Sun’s energy and provide with an ‘Arcturian burst of energy’, which will manifest in one’s life.
Sun Conjunct Arcturus is analogous to the New Moon. The New Moon is a time to plant the seeds of intentions, a time of renewal, a time of learning and a time of integrating/releasing past life energy (or karma). Needless to say, a lot of Arcturian starseeds wake up during this time period.
If a starseed would like to charge their crystals, some water or other tools with Arcturian energy, they can do so by leaving the object or a glass container of water, out in the sun during the Arcturian Alignment.
Each Arcturian alignment provides you with the opportunity to immerse yourself in Arcturian energy but also they provide slightly different energies. You can experiment with these energies to see how you can use them in meditation, conscious manifestation, charging crystals and whatever else you can imagine.