“I act”
Best quality: Initiative Worst quality: Harshness
Mars is the exact opposite of Venus. Whereas Venus represents the female, Mars is all male. Whereas Venus is about harmony, Mars is conflict, aggression, and outright war. Mars is the planet of physical energy. It governs your sex drive, your forcefulness and your aggression. It is associated with your desires and aspirations for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual things that stimulate activity. You have to want something before you reach out and take it; Mars is the heated passion behind action. Mars shows your ability to turn ideas into action.

The sign of Mars in your natal chart indicates your vitality, energy level, and style of action. In a female's chart, the Mars sign is one factor suggesting the type of man she attracts. In its highest form, Mars represent your unleashed energy and your human will – initiative. A controlled Mars can give a healthy dose of assertiveness and ambition. At its worst, Mars energy makes one prone to anger, harshness and destructive violence, impulsive behavior, danger, combativeness and every kind of cruelty. It’s up to you to use this force constructively.
Interpretations for Mars in each zodiac sign are available here: Mars in the Signs.
Interpretations for Mars in each House of the birth chart: Mars in Houses