“I think”
Best quality: Expression Worst quality: Restlessness
Mercury is the planet of intelligence and communication. It governs our rational and intellectual faculties, perception and reason, memory, speaking, and writing. Mercury reflects your capacity to collect, sort, and communicate the knowledge you gain through your experiences and your senses. It reflects the way you see, hear, understand, and assimilate information. Mercury is symbolic of that child-like curiosity that drives your urge to know, and the ability to analyze and reason. Mercury also has to do with transportation and short trips, and the nervous system. The positive manifestations of Mercury include clever speech, eloquence, persuasiveness, success with public speaking and a sharp, quick mind. The more negative manifestations include restlessness, a tendency to be critical, sarcastic, argumentative and sly.

The quick wit of Mercury can quickly turn into trickery. Lies, deceit, fraud, swindling, and forgery are examples of Mercury’s negative power. The sign of Mercury in your natal chart shows your style and preferences of communicating and learning. A strong Mercury in one's chart, free of any negative aspects, indicates a brilliant mind.
Interpretations for Mercury in each zodiac sign are available here: Mercury in the Signs
Interpretations for Mercury in each House of the birth chart: Mercury in Houses