The Sun
“I am”
Best quality: Rulership Worst quality: Dictativeness
The sun represents your ego, the inner you, your essence, the unchanging part of you – the calm, steady, deep and lasting force felt within you, enabling you to exert willpower, make decisions and direct all the other parts of you life. The Sun represents your will, and its sign determines the dynamic expression of the will, which is carried out through the activity of the other planets in the horoscope. Remember, the sun sign is just the start of your portrait. Think of your horoscope as a painting of you. The characteristics of your Sun sign are the first broad strokes that the artist first lays down on the canvas. The artist outlines your general shape, the planes and angles of your face, the way in which you hold your body. In the same way, your sun sign delineates your fundamental character, your core.

Are you introspective? Do you make friends easily? Are you pompous or plain, generous or greedy? How do you cope with responsibility? Are you high-strung or easygoing? The answers may be found in a study of your Sun's position by sign and house, and any aspects from it.
Interpretations for the Sun in each zodiac sign are available here: Sun in the Signs