I wanted to share a section from My Upcoming Book
I see the body
I am not my body
I am aware of the body
This body made of the 4 elements
And I see this body is not really me
I have a body
I am a continuation of everything everywhere
I am one with the cosmos
One with Oneness inter being infinitely
I am the god, the creator, the universe as are all of you. I, we, us, you, me, them, all reside within each of us working in harmony with nature.
I see the mind
I am not my mind
I am aware of the mind
I have a mind
There is no death or true birth there only transformation
Nothing can exist without the other
Everything has always been woven and Interconnected
You are a continuation of your father and mother, of your grandparents, great grandparents, your ancestors, your descendants and everything else in the cosmos. By reading this you are a part of me and I of you
I ask you to take 3 mindful breaths and go back to beginning and start reading again to bring you more into mindfulness and awareness of the present here and now. Thank you
I recommend breathe in for 4 seconds
Hold for 3 seconds
Release for 4 seconds
Repeat 3 times
This is mindful breathing
Just doing this throughout your day will bring you peace and joy.
Part 1 :
I do as Us, Not as me
We inter are connected
We simply inter are
Everything inter is
We are the sun
The moon
The mountains
The earth
We are the cosmos and all that is
Things do not exist outside of one another
We cannot take the wave out of the water nor can we take the water out of the wave
There is no birth there is no death
We have always been and always will be
See your limitless life
You are life without boundaries
You are life without limit
You are not your mind
You are not your body
You have these things
They are not what you are
What you are is the entire cosmos
You are the elements and they are within you and make up everything around you
You are the earth and the earth is within you
You are life manifesting in countless different forms
I am one with all people and all species
I am present everywhere In this world
As are you
I am like a wave on the surface of the ocean. I see myself in all the other waves and I see all the other waves in me
There is nothing I am not, a place i cannot be, an energy I am not within
Even after the physical body has walked this plane and disintegrated you do not die. Your life force is my life force. You simply transform.
I am in the past
I am in the future
I am present everywhere and in everything and you can find me and find you within everything as we've always been there and always will
To be there and everywhere I became present and mindful
To attain just be there and everywhere aware of your ever flowing presence throughout the eons inter aware of awareness
The earlier in life you can accept and let go of this the sooner you will bring happiness joy abundance and true Nirvana
Where I am, I am there and I'm not
I am not that and I am that
What am I not? Nothing and everything
Where am i not? Everywhere and nowhere
What is there? There is infinity, nothingness, Oneness
What am I? Everything, Everywhere, Infinitely Transforming, Formless & Form
When am I? There is only the now, the present, mindfulness and awareness
You already are what you want to become
A marvel of beauty
You are a wonder
You only need to look inside
Looking deeply into your own body
You can discover the immensity of the cosmos
You can touch your true nature beyond birth and death, suffering and discrimination
Many of us have been running all our lives
Running into the future
Away from the past
From wherever we are
In truth we don't need to go anywhere . We just need to sit down and discover the whole cosmos is within us
To understand ourselves is to understand the whole cosmos
The way out is In
Once we realize we are the world we do not need to go running after anything outside of us
The world cannot get out of the world we already are everything we are looking for
You already are what you want to become
You are made of the sun, moon and stars
You have everything inside of you
When we let go of all seeking and striving it's as if we are resting in god
We establish ourselves in the current moment
We dwell in the ultimate
We rest in our cosmic body
To me God is not outside us, or outside reality, god is inside, God is not an external entity for us to seek, for us to believe in or not believe in
God, the ultimate, the Nirvana is embeded inherent in every one of us
With mindfulness, meditation, awareness, concentration, acceptance and being we can touch feel and be connected to all realms, dimensions, other current nows happening simultaneously with every step breathe and feeling
The present moment is the moment you can find everything you were looking for
And in the present moment you realize you already are everything you've been looking for and you already are everything you want to become
As soon as there is stopping there is happiness, there is peace, when we stop and experience the present here and now not only for ourselves but for all our ancestors and parts of our being we still the entire cosmos for our entire lineage and beyond and heal it all. In these moments we have the ultimate power and energy to create to manifest to be still and sit with it.
Only through non action can this be achieved
Non thinking
Non doing
Be still and one with yourself
Allow the observer to observe
Be aware of the body, the mind, the soul, the continuation of you and the past and future of all
Find stillness in the community centered in your being and bring this balance and centeredness into all. See you are everything everywhere and always have been
If you can do this you are already changing your life. If you've understood up until now and have put some of or even one of these practices to use you are in the here and now and you should be very proud
See one of the keys is awareness. In my upcoming book I will be sharing all the keys to the universe and beyond.
I like to ask my students is awareness aware of itself?
Some would sit and ponder and some would answer right away. The question has a much deeper purpose then the question alone.
Some would say they are not sure of the answer. Others would answer yes which they would be correct. See the question works on multiple levels of our consciousness.
It brings us straight to awareness.
It asks a question that is very deep.
It makes us question reality.
It open and expand the mind
This pushes the observer to become instantly more aware. There really is no wrong answer as its posed as a question simply to bring deeper awareness to your experience to wake you up
To lose the current moment to not be in the current moment to not be aware is to lose the preciousness of life
To lose the present moment is losing our chance to truly experience life
If you are always in the past then you will experience the past and miss what is right in front of you. The wonder of life, the wonder that is you. We could say we live in a wonder, that life is a winder as we do live a wonderful life full of wonder. Though only if we see it this way with all our parts of our being. When we tap into that we can only see beauty, joy, evolution happiness, community
Each one of us needs to be our true selves fresh, at ease, compassionate and loving
When we are our true Selves not only do we benefit ourselves but everyone around us benefits as well. Simply taking a mindful breathe brings you into your self
Our true self is already here within us.
Understanding, love and kindness, compassion are all found within you.
Sometimes we need only to remove walls, blocks, attachments to reveal our inner most nature our divine soul. This is done again through the practice of mindfulness, meditation and awareness
As soon as we have compassion we have a strong motivation to understand, to help, to be of service, to love
We must nourish all that we do. Whatever we are doing needs to have a spiritual dimension
We our work and life have a spiritual dimension we are able to sustain ourselves and thrive in health, abundance, and love and avoid burning out.
So often we need to step away go within ourselves for weeks at a time. Spirit source energy gudies us through each moment of space. When we remove resistance then what comes to light can be brought to light to transmute and transform.
I've always found I need to step back from the collective at periods of time to reflect, to learn, to be new, to take it all within to find the answers that guide us all on our paths. Each soul I come into physical contact has such a great impact just as all souls do for each of us. Some of us I and I find with myself the empathy and connection is so deep with so many I can only hold energy and space for a certain amount. Maybe 100 maybe 500. I've learned its about working with the collective and working with the the self and our own being and has just as much impact as work directly with the energy. We are the environment the field. As we transmute ourselves we transform it for all. No actual action needs to be taken. Again through mindfulness and mindful breathing and being this is attained
What is that? That is where you are
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