3 Week Course Bringing you into Union
While there are a lot of different twin flame programs for you to choose from on the internet, you will find that only
a handful of twin flame coaches are not in their ego. There are many twin flame coaches out there who will "guarantee union" with your twin flame when that is simply impossible. Union can only be guaranteed with yourself granted that you apply the teachings provided to you in our course and do your inner spiritual work. And as a side effect you attract your twin flame into your life.
So, what I can do for you is push you to break through your subconscious blocks quicker than trying to do it on your own. I feel we all can strongly benefit from coaching which is why I still get coached as often as possible. This continues to make me the best possible version of myself that I can be (which is the key to manifesting all of your heart's desires). Think of it like being trained by a trainer at the gym. This is the spiritual version of that :)"
Heres what else i can do for you:
Achieve a higher level of fullfilment, unconditional love, gratitude, balance and abundance in every area of your life.
To bring you into balance and Oneness to be able achieve union with your Twin Flame.
To think clearer, be more productive, enhance your natural abilities, manifest anything you desire, and truly live your dreams
A higher and more balanced connection to your Divine self, your Spirit, the True You
Provide support, guidance, information, tools, techniques, on your spiritual path
It works by bringing you into a pure balanced state within higher vibrational frequencies and energies
I will ask you a series of questions so we can get to know you by name and develop a warm, personal connection. My intention and goal is to understand where you are at currently in your twin flame journey and how i can get you from where you are now all the way to being in harmonious union with yourself. Negative subconscious programming runs deep (it actually rules 95% of your life) and therefore we want to get a full diagnosis on how your thoughts and feelings are affecting your life.
Once i have gone through the initial process of building rapport, i will then get to work right away by providing you with daily exercises, powerful affirmations, and a ton of key information that will empower you to become one with your twin flame as fast as divine timing will allow.
Please know that this course isn't just about being with your twin flame, it's about getting you to be in such a beautiful state in your life that you will be happy living your life without your twin flame. Again, this helps powerfully attract your twin flame to you.
I have created this based upon not only our own experiences and our own results but over 1000's of people just like you.
So many students have already gotten amazing results and created union. This is because i have don tons of live sessions with twin flames in separation. I have had many instances where one twin was blocking the other (for several months and longer) and sometimes with just one session we learned that their twin unblocked them and started talking to them again.
I get so excited to hear about your results that our students share with us because our mission & purpose is to see gorgeous monogamous relationships throughout the world.
4) HERE'S WHY IT'S DIFFERENT: Again, while you can choose from a ton of other online twin flame coaches and programs, I am truly only interested in helping you get the results you want! Unfortunately, there are many programs out there that are quite more expensive, guaranteeing union with your twin flame, and are more times than not nothing more than a multi-level marketing scheme.
I also recognize that not everyone chooses to be with their twin in this lifetime which is also an amazing choice. I am here here to support whichever path you are on towards being with your lifelong romantic partner. I will not condemn you for being on a different path and instead only wish to see you happy.
5)Here are some results
Short term: Unconditional Self Love Union Balanced, Pure Blissful State Uncovering & Living your soul mission Instantly Transform your reality Create Union with your Twin Flame
Long Term: Fullfilment Abundance in every area of your life Awareness Higher consciousness Create everything you dream of in life A true Union of Unconditional love with your Twin Flame, or Divine Counterpart
6) WHY YOU SHOULD START TODAY: Simply because you will get the ball rolling on your road to seeing the results you want to see! You've been brought to our website for a reason. And that reason is so that we can help you stop struggling, feeling frustrated, and feeling confused.
The problem with doing it alone is that there is a ton of contradicting information online. And while everyone does in fact have a unique romantic journey, we also recognize that there are certain do's and don'ts that can save you a ton of time, headache, and heartache.
So Heres why you should start now. Because you are reading this and you can change your reality in a moment. You have no control over the past, let go of it you, the only thing you have infinite control over is the present moment and your future.
If you are interested in achieving these results please click this link below to book a free consultation with me Ryan Jordan and let's get started Becoming One with your Twin Flame today!
Here is the link for your free Twin Flame Consultation :
