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Writer's pictureRyan Jordan



In the Earth human lineage there were seven (7) Root Races and five (5) additional races seeded within the Earth gene pool. The 7 Root races are called the “Earthseeds”. Each Earthseed root race evolution cycle was to develop one of the first five (1-5) strands of DNA within the 12 strand DNA original divine human blueprint. The latter additional five races are referred to as the “Cloister” races. Their function was to keep the 12 strand DNA potential alive for the entire human race and represent the advancement of human evolution. The Cloister races are also called the Starseeds. So the Earthseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to activate each DNA strand 1-5 and then to anchor in each new respective level of dimensional experience for the human species on Earth. And the Starseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to hold the dormant DNA strands 7-12 in order to have the template of the divine human in tact through the cycles of evolution. Even though these DNA strands are dormant, it keeps the potential of the divine human’s True Spiritual Inheritance as a 12 Strand DNA Avatar possible. Each strand of DNA when activated correlates to the dimensional field of awareness available to the soul when incarnated in the human physical body.

Throughout the course of human history there has been additional genetic material contributed from various Star Families creating large varieties of Starseeds on Earth. Further hybridization and genetic enhancements resulted in a perfect prototype intended as the seed race for humanity. The perfected genetic code created through this hybridization is referred to as the Indigo Grail Lineage. This Indigo Grail Lineage holds the DNA design to transmute entirely out of biological form and/or hold simultaneously a 12 dimensional awareness within a biological form. These Indigo Grail Lines are the primary grail lines or the “Christ” grail lines among the human races. Absolutely all human biology’s have the potential to receive genetic acceleration, evolutionary advancement that will allow the 12 Strand DNA template to regenerate. This is one of the major purposes of the Indigo Grail Lines to regenerate and activate dormant or damaged DNA templates in the Human races.

Starseed Templates

 I have been aware for a long time that the Starseed role is about physicalizing the biological coding for Christ consciousness races as well as bring new starseed templating and Ascensionprototyping on the earth. What that means is that the Holographic template of the energetic form is being upgraded in such ways to assist the human species being able to work with transducing the new frequencies coming through our bodily and energetic systems at this time. There’s really two levels of being on this planet in that a demarcation has been formed that there is a frequency split between 3rd dimensional structures and higher multi-dimensional energy structures. These are new Timelines(remember timeline=dimension) as we move into the future timelines, we are moving into higher resonant frequency and spaces. We are moving forward into time or skipping into the future as we move up the dimensional scale. At this time, there are groups of us going through a new physicalization process and this is a much different process and spiritual initiation that many of us have been familiar with in the past. The part of Ascension that we go through that is an initiation into higher frequencies, and as these frequencies become absorbed into the auric vehicle and Lightbody, we develop more neurological plexus receivers so that you can work with these new plasma frequencies.

Many of us have activations and at certain levels of increasing critical mass of these higher frequencies, DNA activation occur. This yet is even further and beyond spiritual ascension or Kundalini initiation. This is the actual physicalization of an entire new birth creation in human Consciousness that the guardians are referring to as THE TRINITIZED FORM into hierogamic union. In the Trinitized Form, it is the spiritual house of the Cosmic Christ energy as the son and daughte rof god, or Christos-Sophia. These related 12D Ray plasma frequencies we have been expanding and holding as core of our foundational daily techniques is where the human species original genetic template was created as a 12 strand Avatar being.

Blood types

Rh Negative Bloodline is blood that is inherently “karmic-less” blood, the ancestral miasm from previous human generations is not recorded in the same way as “karmic” blood patterns. The karmic (miasma) patterns of repeated lifetimes on earth are energy stamps that are recorded in the blood of every being that is born into this dimension. RH Negative blood sourced from the Stars, as such they may be called Starseed people.

For more information on your bloodtype please book a Blueprint for your specific bloodtype.


Extraterrestrial souls ( beyond 3D earth plane) born to human bodies having more than two strands of DNA potentially active with a 6th DNA imprint. They have unique abilities because of their unique arrangement patterns of stellar DNA.

They are the result of advanced extraterrestrial blood experiments that have gone through many genetic changes in order to foster their interdimensional talents. The Founder Blue Ray Oraphim are the parents to the Indigo children on the earth. This is a large group of souls that chose to come to earth via spacecraft and open portal systems, some from the Pleiades, and hosted through Sirius Gateway and beamed down as human energetic templates as embryos that would match their missions through specific arrangement of genetic codes.

Most Indigos now on the planet with Ascension Missions were born after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. They require innovative parenting and should not be medicated for ADHD as children. Indigos also have the ability to pick up signals and communication from ET beacons, such as the one found by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shephard during 1961 referred to as "postcards from the rim". These ET beacons emit both EMF, Light and tone signals, along with a mathematical language, which can translate like a 3D Holographic film of the Galaxy.

Many monoliths are out in space, devised by groups of ET races, and some of the awakened Indigos resonate to their intergalactic messages and translate that new language into the earth consciousness fields.

Walk Ins

Walk-Ins – The classic definition of a walk-in is an advanced soul choosing to volunteer, through a combination of galactic agendas, to assist Earth through her next stage of evolution. There are many different types of walk in agreements.

One common type is a specific group that do not go through the birth process; they trade places with someone already in human form through a prearranged agreement with that soul. If a Starseedor Light Worker have no other way to complete their soul mission, then they might agree to leave the body and make a trade with a Walk-In. Many advanced galactic civilizations have used these Walk-In experiments at the pinnacle of evolutionary change in order to match celestial agendas. This is not to be confused with being possessed of spirit, that is another matter all together. These Walk-Ins that are being placed in human form are guided in deliberate fashion and in accordance with "free will" at cosmic levels of agreements.The Silver Cord of life force is traveled upon to imprint the new Consciousness of the Walk-In and agreements are made to fulfill certain family concerns left unfinished by the soul walking out. After a period of adjustment, then certain behavior patterns emerge and drastic changes start to take place such as weddings, divorces, re-location, change of occupation, even sexual preference may change. Walk-ins can be permanent, which means that the original soul will not return. Temporary Walk-Ins can use a human body for short periods of time while the original is gathering new instructions while residing in other realms before returning back to body. So a Walk-In can be permanent or temporary. There are also other ascension prototypes for the “walk in” that differ from this classic template. These can be soul braids from Galactic family, embodiment of Star or planet Logoi, or other arrangements that are specific to genetic template creation and birthing which is required for soul groupings to incarnate in other planetary chains.

There are also future self Walk-in's which is that the future identity of the person goes into the past Timelines and steps into the previous identity body in order to change timelines from destruction or to help in the evolution process. These are future souls or Monads which come to the past to help change the event horizon in future.


Advanced souls originating on Earth, who have evolved to the point of developing special abilities and talents, which are needed for elevating the planet and her inhabitants to expand Consciousness. They were born to the body they occupy. They seem to be drawn to the process of spiritual or Kundalini awakening and the Ascension, helping to preserve the earth, and Starseed missions and want to be involved with their agendas.

They are the angelic worker bees of mission control. Many will choose to have astrological star codings, although they will not be starseed, but by frequency they seem to resonate to healthy lifestyles and empower mental, moral, ethical, spiritual behavior wherever they go. Their home is the Earth and they want to keep it sustainable for all forms of life. When their mission is completeh, they will be returning to a version of the Earth reality; not to the stars or other planets.

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