When we look at languages with awareness we are shown that 90% of communication is through body language. Body language is light language communication of awareness, empathy, compassion and love.
In the higher dimensions words become meaningless and we do not use such a mundane thing as language. The way of communication is vibrational frequencies and energies and it travels through the depths of space. This Can be received by all or heard by none you see. Your 3D Not Self chooses your reality. Well what If you choose your reality, your True Self not your ego or logic. Trust yourself and trust the universe as you are the universe so simply trust your intuition your innate power love and light within you.
So receive and activate your higher true self, your light body. Open your minds to self leadership and open intelligence. The now is now and now activate and ask for your transmission.
Write it down or type out the code of of your flow and what is meant for you. Clear your mind and find that Oneness that is within your inner child that unconditional self love. You know it's there you just simply have to believe you are The Infinity
Instead of reacting to emotion. Be tactful and notice what the emotion is. Then use your awareness to look at the bigger picture. Take Time to see if there is a lesson to be learned here while your still in the 3D reacting to the 3D. If?, well I will tell you yes there is always a deeper meaning and as you become one with yourself your awareness Increases and you see the bigger picture before it occurs and are able to be the infinity, balance the flow and your intuition increases.
Our thoughts, words, actions, feelings ripple through the fabrics of space. Just trust your higherself your true self
When you realize that your just a passenger in this consciousness then you ask what am I? I AM aware of this 3D experience. You then become aware of awareness.
If you want to awaken all of humanity the awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative with yourself. Truly the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self transformation.
As you awaken you realize "The One" has been you all along. The Infinity. When one teaches two learn. The Greatest Teacher will send you back to yourself.
Archangel Metatron By Ryan Jordan Infinityblueprints.com Becomeinfinity.com Facbook Group - Unconditional Self Love Twin Flame Community
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